It's not a perfect fit. If you want the entire range, you have to break out the Dremel.
It's not a perfect fit. If you want the entire range, you have to break out the Dremel.
I swapped out the thumbsticks in my 360 controller with the dualshock variety. Here's a video someone else did that shows what this looks like. Feels damn great, too. Really grippy and durable.
Augmented reality is fine, but what I'm excited for are those display glasses from Forth Dimension (not a typo). Imagine when this tech is small enough, portable enough and cheap enough. You could get a theater-like experience watching movies or playing games on a smartphone or laptop. That's the future, people. It's…
I still want a Skies of Arcadia sequel with the Valkyria Chronicles engine. Make it happen, Sega.
Like I said, that's because it's not a JRPG at all. It's a TBT game.
Valkyria Chronicles isn't even a JRPG. It's a Turn-Based Tactics game, much in the vein of X-COM, Jagged Alliance or Fallout Tactics, only it's third-person instead of isometric and extremely simplified in terms of game mechanics. Don't see the resemblance? Think about it. You pick a character you want to move during…
Video games mainly use three techniques for getting good performance with distant objects, or objects that are out of the player's field of view. Those are level of detail, mipmapping and culling.
More than a year? Not if my four RRODs have anything to say about it.
This is why I find it absolutely fucking hilarious when people tell me I have issues with trust.
Good call. APKWS can be retrofitted onto existing Hydra rockets, and it is hella accurate. Now, light drones will be able to carry clusters of these things and yet still be as accurate as they would with the bigger, heavier, more powerful Hellfire.
Hey, not bad! Not bad at all. Quite moody sounding. If we're going to be fighting you-know-whats this time around, this would actually be a perfect fit, I think.
In some Chinese factories, these kids work sixteen hours a day, seven days a week for about 53 cents an hour, or even less. They have to do overtime just to be able to eat. Could you imagine what it'd be like to live on under $250 a month while working during basically all of your waking hours when you're not...…
I think it's even worse than that. People act as if a woman who says she's good at math has effectively admitted that she has a penis. I think women are subconsciously - or in some cases, even consciously - afraid of being ostracized for liking "guy things", because they think most men will find it off-putting. I say…
Japanese and English are actually not very different. They still deal with the same semantic elements as virtually any other language. The thing that makes them "different" is that phrases that sound profound and astute in Japanese sound campy and melodramatic in English and vice versa. That's less of a linguistic…
Mr. Dunkley's statement was no idle boast. They were the words of a man trying to find a way to cope with the task at hand and adopt a productive mindset. Think about it; if you had to fill Marty's shoes, what self-justifications would you be using to get through your day?
It becomes a part of your identity, huh?
I kinda disagree about the "getting mad" thing. Professional detachment and dry wit are his whole shtick. When divested of those features, Spartans are actually kinda corny characters, especially when they get all angsty and childish for no reason. For an example of what I'm talking about, see Halo: Blood Line. Not…
Remember how weapons would be delivered in pods by Longsword fighter-bombers in Halo: Reach firefight, and then a little marker would appear on your screen? This is supposed to be similar.
"The brain itself is a physical object, that is subject to physical interference."
As a man who just happens to be a little not-straight, and who has listened in on a few conversations of the "straight males and their conquests" variety, I think what disturbs me about the way men talk about women to other heterosexual males is that thing they do where... you know, where they start describing pieces…