Train Dodger
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Y'know, it never ceases to amaze me how willing most of the left are to give Islamic culture a pass in the name of postcolonialism. Islam is not a religion. It is a radical, ultraconservative religio-political system that makes the GOP look like a pride parade. How can somebody despise one, but not the other?

I understand the alcohol part, but how did she get the injuries?

The problem with that statement is that it implies that other people's sense of self-esteem is somehow your business.

Don't say you weren't warned.

One thing I don't like about the Chief's new armor is how the top of the helmet bulges outwards slightly and then has a thinner band around the visor, instead of a straight contour. It makes it look like he's wearing a chef's hat.

They're the same size, actually. I mean, there was a bit of a jump between Halo 1 to 2, and 2 to 3, but they don't appear to have gotten bigger since.

The reason why the dialogue in the first game sounds so awkward is because they essentially scrapped the plot and re-built the whole thing from the ground up in the last 10 months or so of development.

She did absorb the contents of a Forerunner database, didn't she? Maybe there's something in there that has the potential to stabilize a Smart AI even when they should technically be rampant. I mean, 343 Guilty Spark has been floating around for a hundred millennia. Then again, I suppose it depends primarily on the

It's still getting tested internally. The reason why there won't be a public beta is because it would divert too much work from the game itself, and then they wouldn't be able to meet their deadline.

Technically, a UNSC Smart AI can choose to look like whatever they want to. They could take the form of an inanimate object, or a mythological creature, or basically anything.

One time, I was playing a round of Mafiya Work, and I was given a mission to deliver a scooter - presumably laden with contraband - to a drop-off point in the industrial district in south Alderney.

Just looked it up. It kills fungi, too? If it could penetrate through to the scalp without harming hair or roots, this could be a good cure for dandruff, or even athlete's foot. A lot of species of fungi are difficult to remove by washing alone.

Marinated in Saints Flow.

In Armored Core V, I'm with the La Li Lu Le Lo, a team that's held on to a good portion of the map for quite a while despite doing stunningly little to defend it (the territory mode in that game is utterly inscrutable, anyhow).

I hate wrist cushions. I prefer my mouse mats to be semi-hard with a very fine texture and slight friction. Not too much, nor too little.

This is one of the reasons why I try and avoid putting anything naughty on unsecured portable devices. If you're really touchy about keeping it secure, why not just archive it? Get a copy of 7zip, turn your goodies into an encrypted archive, and then store it wherever you want. That will deter casual peepers and

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You know what I hate about all these new laptops? Isolation keyboards. Like the MacBook in the photo for this article. They disgust me, with their huge, ungainly spacing and gummy, insubstantial tactile response. I want a return to scissor-switches. Or, better yet, if some genius could build a Cherry MX keyboard into

I only have one thing to say about this:

That first one is basically a Progenitor Dreadnought on tracks. Legs. Track-legs.

Oh my god, what? I thought the going rate everywhere was something like eight rounds to a dollar, not 25. Holy crap!