Train Dodger

My excuse is a far more sensible one; I find female action heroines to be more unique and interesting. The idea that someone could excel under such harsh circumstances despite being treated like a fish out of water every step of the way is very alluring. There are plenty of Conan the Barbarian knock-offs, and way too

For $170, I can get over 300 rounds of cheap .45 ammo, or 1400 rounds of .22 LR, for hours upon hours of plinking fun. 25 rounds out of a machine gun are all downrange in seconds.

That's no sniper rifle. It's a .577 T-Rex, for stopping charging big game animals like Rhinos and African Bull Elephants. It puts out nearly as much energy as a .50 BMG, but out of a rifle that weighs half as much and lacks a muzzle brake.

Can anybody say Streisand Effect?


My DeathAdder actually held up for about a year until the finish started peeling off. Everything about the mouse was great except the wheel. It was probably one of the best-pointing mice I've ever used. Really good ergonomics.

Goddammit. See, this proves there is no justice in the world. He should have won by default.

The real question here should be why is Razer making anything at all? Why are they still in business? The build quality of the last few Razer peripherals that I've bought was a total disgrace.

Now playing

Green technology isn't. The production of "renewable" energy generation systems is, itself, a highly pollutive process that consumes very scarce resources such as rare earth elements. When you buy a bunch of solar panels and wind turbines, what you're really doing is exporting your pollution to China. The new "green"

"... panda mounting each other to have panda sex."

"... and 39 full-time employees respectively."

You have to be team level 50 to have all the parts available.

She's supposed to be half-Asian, right? Looks like they decided to give her slightly more European features this time around.

Hour a week? If you plan on holding territory on the map, you have to put in at least five hours a day, or have a giant team.

"Bullet casings that could fit a person in them flying as machine guns blare."

Has anyone here played Crush the Castle? It predates Angry Birds by what, like a year? Same gameplay. In fact, better gameplay.

The last great landmark of my home state, defiled. I hope you're happy, Rovio.