An interesting proposal.
An interesting proposal.
I was thinking more along the lines of a pair of brass knuckles with the logo on each knuckle.
Absolutely nothing.
Oh, I know. I was just speaking generally. They ask for a signature for Sudafed, too. It's the pseudoephedrine. That stuff's damned effective. It's also a chemical precursor to meth, though it functions differently.
He didn't even play it.
Personally, I feel that the best critics are those who are amateurs at actually creating the things they criticize. When you're no good at something, you tend to notice other people's rookie mistakes more easily. A skilled filmmaker wouldn't be able to see the forest for the trees when criticizing an eminently-flawed…
I used the disintegrating, sublingual variety of Claritin back when it required a prescription. The straight Loratadine formulations never helped with my allergies. It was basically like taking a placebo. To get people to buy it, they had to add pseudoephedrine to the mix. That's basically like them saying "We know…
Hey, if Obama could get a Peace Prize and then proceed to send Libya back to the stone age by bombing the everloving fuck out of them, then that really puts the qualifications for a Nobel into question, doesn't it?
"Real male gamers don't play female characters."
Technically, this is not a trailer; it's a developer showreel/documentary cut together with footage from the game.
343i does have access to all the old code and assets of the Halo series. Anniversary is chock-full of reused models from a bunch of different Halo games. 343i is essentially a splinter faction of Bungie with new hires to fill the ranks, anyhow.
That's simple. Feed it data from the internet indirectly, using a cluster of server machines that can be connected to the internet or the mainframe on which the AI resides, but not both at the same time. Wipe the drives between transfers to ensure that the AI has not written viral code to them.
A "prison" for an AI is easy to build, though I'd prefer to call it a sanctuary. Back around '03-'05, I had a computer that I had rigged up for the optimum single-player PC gaming experience. No internet connection. No virus scanner or firewall; didn't need one. It was a perfectly-sealed black box, utterly invisible…
Ah, crap. Sorry about that. I replied to you through the comments in my profile. Didn't notice you were the same guy as the OP.
Oh for fuck's sake. I'm not a homophobe. I've struggled with gender-identity issues myself, and it's no walk in the park. I just don't like bad writing. Honestly, listen to the lines between Shepard and Anderson in the demo. It's about as boilerplate as can be. After the clever, witty dialogue in ME2, this feels like…
I played the ME3 demo a week or two ago. Is it just me, or did the writing take a nosedive? What is this Michael Bay-inspired cack?
Of course it's the Renegade option! I mean, think about it man. You're trying to create more humans and overrun the freakin' GALAXY with Mini-Sheps, man!
I don't even think it really has a commonly-accepted name. It should. It's deadly, but you have to nail the timing just right.