Train Dodger
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There are even more fearsome techniques out there, like the back-jump assassination.

Very. It's like two thousand bucks.

I love it, but the cheesy mouse and keyboard kind of ruin the effect. It'd be even cooler if it had a mechanical keyboard with Cherry MX or buckling-spring switches mated to wooden keycaps and an integral trackball mouse with a wooden casing. Something like this:

Great mod. It would be even better if it had a mechanical buckling-spring keyboard with custom keycaps and a trackball mouse with a wood casing.

Yeah, sure. Why not? Maybe they can bust out the old tools and assets and do it as a DLC pack or patch it in or something? It'd make about as much sense as what they're doing now.

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The AK is a good gun. Very simple design. The receiver is made from a stamped piece of sheet metal. Even the modern AKs are made this way. The reason why the AK is so reliable is because it's built with incredibly loose tolerances. Pretty much every single part of the weapon can go a few millimeters out of bounds and

Yes, because I really want to have Shepard elope with a bunch of Jersey Shore rejects.

Shepard is a threat to the Reapers. Shepard is a human. Earth is the human capital. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out.

The thing I find funny about all this (or not so funny, depending on one's perspective) is that we're paying pretty much the same amount we were for games ten years ago. The US dollar is simply worth over 20% less.

Quote from the linked article:

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Oni are not the same thing as demons from Abrahamic religion. They're like Ogres or Trolls. Less fallen angel, more mythological creature. The bible thumpers over here are always like "LOL, demons!", as if they feel fine appropriating the "demons" from other cultures and treating them as though they're the same thing

Fallout: NV is pretty easy on any mode, sad to say. There's a trick to winning every fight. Unarmed/Melee is also quite broken. Before the nerf, you could kill freakin' Deathclaws by knocking their lights out with a pair of boxing gloves and then switching to spiked knuckles and finishing them off with a few dozen

I wouldn't say that video games in general have gotten easier. In fact, if anything, they're getting harder. In the last decade and a half, I've watched games get progressively easier until about '04 to '06, when they started getting harder again, but usually as a matter of player choice. Between '96 and about '03,

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Stravinsky's Rite of Spring is probably my favorite orchestral piece of all time.

I both agree and disagree with her point of view. Most of us are only as good as we are at video games because we've thrown multiple hours a day at it for a good chunk of our lives. I remember when I was first starting out in the Dreamcast era. I was just a little kid back then, barely nine years old. I was used to

True. Human genetics are in a constant state of flux, anyway. Someone from our era would hardly be able to recognize their descendants tens of thousands of years from now, barring the use of gene sequencing equipment.

Have a stroke of its mane, it turns into a plane, and then it turns back again when you tug on its winkie.

Look at my horse, my horse is amazing.

The whole idea behind the term "race" is that it creates a dividing line or delineation between different ethnic groups or people of specific descent. If all humans belong to the same "race", then we don't exist in contrast to anything else. Therefore, the word loses all meaning.

Humans are not a race. We're a species. When people say "race", what they're actually talking about is ethnic phenotypes, which are intrinsically linked with our genetics.