Train Dodger

Human beings are desperate for whatever shred of an identity they can dig up and latch on to, because they want to feel like they belong. The reason why racism and sexism are still rampant is the same reason why deaf people start freaking out when one of their number is cured by a cochlear implant. It's because they

What the heck? I posted that video of Morgan Freeman on a 60 Minutes interview talking about how we don't need a "black history month", and now it's not showing up on my end. Makes me look like I'm just talking about Morgan Freeman apropos of nothing (which, in itself, is hardly a bad thing). Gosh, I hate the Gawker

Reminds me of this article:

I'll tell you why we need things like substrate-independent minds or negligible senescence. It's because some people out there (read: a whole lot of people) still subscribe to the archaic notion that human mortality is some kind of curse handed down from on high, and can only be overcome by faith in one of a multitude

Step 1: Make his mind substrate-independent.

I think I saw a few Turian ships in formation with the Normandy, if I'm not mistaken.

Don't these Activision folks know about the Streisand Effect? You leave the problem alone, or else it only gets bigger. When news of the blacklisting spreads, not only do they have to deal with the PR fallout, but the thing they were trying to censor gets spread around right along with it.

I had high hopes for the Razer Onza. Hopes that they dashed to pieces when it released with major build quality and supply issues. In my opinion, we have yet to see a competent third-party version of the Xbox 360 controller, which is a shame, since the first-party model has a few issues that I'd like to see ironed

Humans? Insignificant? From powered flight to reverse-engineered Prothean tech in 250 years. I'd say that's pretty significant. Granted, humanity got lucky, what with the Prothean ruins being on Mars and all. Also, Humans and Asari look pretty damned similar. That seems to indicate to me that there's something special

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I'm throwing money at the screen, but nothing's happening!

The original recipe actually contained trace amounts of cocaine.

Microsoft would have had their own high-capacity disk format if Toshiba hadn't screwed them over and cancelled further development of the HD DVD. Besides, it's not like the PS3 could ever take full advantage of the Blu-ray format's added capacity. Its massive RAM bottleneck prohibits the use of large, high-quality

In Halo: Glasslands, we're fed some line about how the latest version of MJOLNIR features nanotechnology and upgrades itself. If they're going that route, it's not inconceivable that the Chief's suit basically morphed into its present form while he was in cryo.

Most of these uber high-end game engines are scalable to a certain degree. The CryEngine 3 is capable of being run on consoles, and it's also capable of pumping out effects that consoles can't handle at present. One can assume that any UE3 successor would be similar in that regard.

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Puerto Rico has turned down offers of statehood numerous times. Gee, I can't imagine why! :D

Wow. Rest in peace, man.

Yeah, you're right. What she said was more than a little insensitive, regardless of the context.

Looks like a plume of condensation from the HVAC system.

All of the above, to a certain degree. There's nothing exotic about white, male, buzz-cut-wearing action protagonists anymore; they're overplayed and trite enough as it is. Every year, a dozen more are added to the pile, which is one of the reasons why I find it absurd when people act like the tiny handful of female