Train Dodger
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It's called N-word privileges. There's even a TV Tropes page for it, of all things.

Even a character creation feature can't save formulaic writing.

Suppressors can greatly decrease the muzzle blast and sound from both subsonic and supersonic ammunition, but with supersonic ammo, you get a loud sonic boom that the suppressor can't muffle.

Yes it is. If they had kept these details private or anonymous, they wouldn't have gotten into fistfights and broken-up friendships over them, would they?

Shit like this is why I don't use social networking sites. Don't people care about privacy anymore? The way I was raised, I was taught to cut the addresses off of magazines and shipping labels before throwing them away. This whole thing of putting your name, your face and all your personal information online for all

I'll tell you what's happening in the Middle East. The CIA stirred up a popular uprising, so Islamic fundamentalists can take control. As soon as they do, the Middle Eastern powers have effectively painted a bullseye on their heads, giving the Western powers and Israel carte blanche to destroy them and bring a halt to

But it is already happening. There is documented evidence of Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood and other fundamentalist groups stepping in and taking power all over the place. D-O-C-U-M-E-N-T-E-D.

No, I don't listen to the radio at all. In fact, I find it rather telling how you resort to personal attacks. The essence of what I said was that any popular uprising in the Middle East has the potential to be subverted by radical fringe groups who intend to use the victories gained by the protesters and rebels as a

"When I was your age, I had moved out of the house, lived on my own, went to college while at high school, worked two jobs, was a volunteer fireman, and still went to school."

I would rather have seen Qaddafi reduce Benghazi to rubble than NATO reduce an entire country to rubble, yes. Just look at the Iranian Revolution. It started off as a progressive movement fronted by college kids, socialists, womens' rights advocates and intellectuals, but it ended up hijacked at the last moment by

If you want true survival horror, try Arwen's Realism Tweaks for Fallout 3/NV. It's like Dark Souls, if Dark Souls were an RPG/Shooter. It is unrelentingly brutal.

The term Mary Sue is overused and watered-down to the point where I don't even take it seriously anymore. It used to strictly mean "in a work of fan fiction, an author avatar - especially female - used by a novice writer to express feelings for a fictional character by proxy in a manner disruptive to the established

I used a MAC address changer when I was living in hotels for a year. A bunch of these places have a ridiculously low bandwidth cap on their free Wi-Fi hotspots, after which they shut out the offending machine and you either get a 404 error or simply cannot connect. All it takes to get back in business is a quick

Yo, can I borrow the DeLorean? I need to visit 2050 and order a few things off Newegg. Shouldn't take long.

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Brave? Heroic? In Egypt, perhaps, since the protesters actually had plenty of valid criticisms of the Mubarak administration's economic policies.

Yes, but you're assuming a statistically-random course of events. What's happening over there isn't random. It's an attempt by the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda to obtain political power over several Middle Eastern countries. We may have nearly wiped out the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and other militant groups in Afghanistan

This whole Arab Spring thing has been a total sham. Islamic radicals are using the unrest as an opportunity to seize power from secular governments. As bad as these dictators are, their potential replacements could end up being ten times worse. When NATO bombed Libya, they destroyed an agricultural irrigation system

I'm a big fan of console gaming at a desk. Back in the day, I used to play console games on a ViewSonic CRT through a Radeon 9700 Pro AIW capture card's input. Even though they were standard-def only (S-Video or Composite), the image clarity and responsiveness were unbelievable.

I could almost swear that around the turn of the last century, I was a five-year-old girl who got crushed to death by a horse-drawn carriage.