Video gaming is still a relatively inexpensive hobby when compared to target shooting. A sixty-dollar game lasts for years and years. A fifty-dollar box of a hundred cheapo .45 ACP rounds lasts just a few minutes.
Video gaming is still a relatively inexpensive hobby when compared to target shooting. A sixty-dollar game lasts for years and years. A fifty-dollar box of a hundred cheapo .45 ACP rounds lasts just a few minutes.
1.) Just because a problem would be trivial in a third-world country, that does not necessarily mean that it should be ignored entirely. I mean, would it kill them to put a box of sanitary wipes next to the demo stands, at least?
I agree, and for three reasons:
They suck dick at textures because they have too little video RAM. The memory budget on these consoles is less than a quarter that of what your average low-end PC these days can manage, but they make up for a good portion of that by lacking the multitudinous background tasks found on your typical PC. At idle, my PC…
Y'know what? I'm sick of seeing people say that Miranda's a butterface. So she has a mannish jaw and pronounced cheekbones. So what? Does it really matter that she doesn't look exactly like Yvonne Strahovski? I've seen plenty of actual people that look just like that.
"... dude has tons invested in gold and silver mines ..."
Daedric entities? Hah!
It's pretty easy. Basically, you have to create a Hotmail account and lie about your location. Put in the address/contact info of a ramen shop or something. Then, you create a free XBL Silver account, and use that passport account you just created as the email for it. Then, you go into the marketplace and get the…
I created a Japanese XBL Silver account to try out the Armored Core V demo, and it wasn't that hard to control it. It took me a while to figure out that you had to pull both triggers to enter a garage, and the weapon switch is just totally asinine.
Man, I loved the soundtrack in that game. Such an underrated gem.
They won't take down XBL, because they'd have nothing to do in their spare time.
I play mostly FFA too, if only because I get sick and tired of getting matched up alongside horrible randoms, only to be pubstomped by a party of prestige level 6+ dudes. That said, when I do play FFA, I go absolutely nuts, killing everything in sight. One guy thought I was a cheater, because I had racked up something…
I gagged. No, seriously. I involuntarily made gagging noises while clawing at my own throat.
5:30 Holy crap! We fight goddamned Spriggans, too!?
This technique is hardly new. Crowdsourcing computational tasks allows you to take advantage of one of the world's most powerful computing resources; the human brain. The brain is a massively-parallel analog computer that runs at between 4 to 8hz and can process a hundred million million instructions per second while…
You know what disturbs me the most about this whole fiasco? The NDAA got passed with almost no public outcry at all, but SOPA was torn to shreds. Indefinite detention of American citizens with no trial? We're okay with that. They think they can take away our free movies, TV shows, games and music, censor the web and…
The line must be drawn here. This far, no further. And I will make them pay for what they've done.
Hey, who ordered pizza?
Yep. If I talk to Jorleif, all he says is "there's been some unpleasantness". The quest won't trigger at all. This is after beating the Civil War quest line.