Train Dodger

I've been playing (and deeply enjoying) the PS3 version, but I've noticed some disappointing framerate slowdown in spots, especially when there were lots of particle effects/fire effects onscreen at once. If they made a PC port and optimized it to take advantage of more powerful hardware, some of those issues might

I always bring a Belkin AC inverter with me on car trips, so battery life for my devices is not an issue at all.

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"Yeah, i guess you better read up about the regime did to the people before you decide to write that again."

What amazes me is that people are doing this kind of work already... and the Creation Kit isn't even out yet.

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"Ah, forget you then! Someday, you'll learn the importance of helpin' others!"

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Developers, developers, developers, developers...

But Alex Mercer wasn't Chaotic Good. He was hovering somewhere between Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic Evil.

Firstly, I don't understand where people get this notion that just because the United States has freedom and democracy, we - as Americans - should toil tirelessly to export it to other countries at our own expense. These foreigners don't abide by our laws and our customs. Our constitution does not apply to them. If

Very true, but the cost of living in China is not a tenth what it costs to live in the USA. It's about a third, or half. So, they're working for the equivalent of between one-third to one-sixth the average minimum wage in the US:

China artificially drives down the value of their currency in order to stay competitive on the global market. The Renminbi is undervalued by what, nearly 40%? If their currency was valued the amount it's actually worth, the cost savings of sending manufacturing to China would essentially evaporate. These laborers

I never used to understand how people could get motion sickness, since I've never really experienced it for myself. After the spontaneous bout of nausea I got from that header and image, I now know full well what it's like to be tossed around on the high seas.


"Wow, i can't even ... just wow. You really never made it past the second grade, did you?"

Imperial Japan did horrible, horrible things to millions of people. Have you never heard of Nanking, Unit 731, the Bataan Death March or Comfort Women? If you ask me, they got off lightly for what they did. We were even nice enough to help them rebuild their country after the war.

Yes, yes, this is good. I can't wait to edit all my documents on a 9.7-inch screen.

Razer's quality control standards have plunged through the floor over the years. Nothing that Razer makes will ever be the "Future" of anything, until they can demonstrate a reversal of this trend.

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"And thanks for those links, they really say everything there is to know about you."

Somehow, I read that as "Pizza and Liberation", which made me think of something else entirely.