Train Dodger

"At least it keeps the having sex with children in it's book and not outside of it."

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Yes, I've been keeping up on the NDAA and SOPA. The traitors in Congress have shown grave disrespect towards the tenets established by our founding fathers. These people all swore an oath to defend the Constitution. They have failed. They and their ilk will be dealt with in due time. These politicians don't own

Religion is oppression. It is a lie programmed into youths before they even have a chance to decide whether they want it to be a part of their lives or not. Those who resist are threatened with disownment or worse. Just because one has freedom, that does not make them free to brainwash and enslave other people with

Blah, blah, blah, Occupy. Whatever. This woman was just innocently walking along the street, and she was arrested and imprisoned for three years - not to mention raped and beaten to the point where she had maggots living in her wounds - just for not wearing a head covering.

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Who are the bullies, again? Open your eyes, man.

It used to be that countries knew better than to touch American citizens, because they knew that the reprisals would be swift and extreme in nature. Does nobody remember the Boxer Rebellion, when President McKinley sent five thousand American troops to take out the Chinese rebels that were killing Christian

Praise the sun!

Eating innocents is actually wholly optional. In fact, I'm pretty sure you can go the entire game without ever consuming or killing a pedestrian on purpose. And, of course, most of the Web of Intrigue targets are hardly what I'd call innocent. Plus, soldiers or infected attacking you are fair game.

You're right about that, though. I also felt that Alex Mercer's character was developed in a manner that was inconsistent with his actions. The whole experience actually felt kind of schizophrenic, since he'd be placidly talking about justice one moment and tearing up the city the next.

You technically aren't playing as a person in Prototype at all, but as a blob of the Blacklight Virus morphed into a humanoid shape. The clothes are also organic. Do you know what that means?

Do all protagonists have to be likable for a work to be successful? What's wrong with having a Byronic hero or villain protagonist every now and then?

Exactly. People are always like "Waah, waah, the protagonist is too MEAN! I can't sympathize with them! I hate this game/movie/book/cartoon/show/etc.! I wish the people who created it would DIE IN A FIRE!"

I actually liked the first Prototype quite a bit. I'm not a big fan of protagonists that were clearly designed around the principle of pandering to the mainstream. Alex Mercer was no hero. He was a villain protagonist. They're so rare in video games these days, so you've got to take what you can get. On the other

I love LGs. I'm using one as a monitor right now.

Goddamn it, I can't get that smell out of my room. I can hardly breathe. It's like the inside of an antique shop in here.

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This is from way back in '07, at the Halo 3 IMAX event in Seattle. Let's see if you can guess which one I am.

Want a simulation of what real war is like? Spend a few hours cleaning your bathroom with bleach and a mop, and then play between five to fifteen minutes of ARMA 2. Rinse, repeat.

No. He's not the piss on the floor. He's that unidentifiable gel-like brownish scum that builds up where the bumpers contact the rim of a toilet when you leave the seat down for a few weeks without cleaning underneath it.

"First and foremost, the issue here isn't that the maker of the helicopter demands that their product be depicted positively, no. the issue is that the maker just did not want their products featured at all, period."