Train Dodger

No, we're not a culture based on ownership. We're a culture based on censorship.

In my opinion, you should have every right to use someone's likeness (mine included) however you wish, without paying a single red cent. If you allow people and corporations to have control over their likenesses and trademarks in a work of fiction, they will naturally demand to be represented in a positive light at

See, the problem with leaving creative control in the hands of trademark-holders is that they always want the depictions of their products to meet some sort of ideal standard that is unattainable in real life.

Yeah, and I think intellectual property isn't property at all. So, clearly, me and EA have some differences. Your point?

Now playing

As much as I hate to, I'll have to side with EA on this one. I'm absolutely sick and tired of trademark-holders having a complete and total stranglehold on the depiction of their products in a work of fiction.

"Now, how we deal with other nations not cooperating I'm less sure, but we really do need to keep the planet habitable."

The present economic system incentivizes planned obsolescence, which is why we end up with landfills filled with dead electronics and cheap plastic junk which accelerates the Tragedy of the Commons to its inevitable conclusion. We should be incentivizing total resource-efficiency and energy-efficiency, which would

Fiat money has imaginary value. In fact, one could go even further and say that the entire idea of money is imaginary. Money, like information, is completely intangible. Without sentient beings to declare something found in nature as "money", it does not occur on its own. A gold coin, without a human to identify it as

When humanity has the technology to effortlessly "print" cars and other material goods for basically free, what purpose will the present-day division of labor serve? In the future, everyone will be on welfare, and none will need to toil after menial chores. When that time comes, we will have truly entered the age of

Yes, I am saying that. I want to see capitalism abolished and replaced with a post-scarcity anarcho-communist society where free collaboration and cooperation is its own reward.

I oppose the entire notion of intellectual property, and would like to see obstructive copyrights and patents abolished entirely. Unlike precious metals, information is not scarce. The ability to copy digital information infinitely is one of its greatest strengths, because it allows people to break free of the

Yeah, no Shimapan? I mean, what the hell do they take us for?

They're doing it wrong. Everyone needs to be completely covered from head to toe in flecks of blood at all times. Mandatory.

Personally, I actually like motion controls quite a bit. And yes, Kinect would be a lot better with a peripheral. The tracking Kinect uses is leaps and bounds more sophisticated than all the other motion control methods out there.

When I saw that headline and the concept art, I actually produced an audible gasp of excitement and momentarily felt quite faint-headed.

I cackled like an idiot at the part where he was awkwardly walking in place to get his character to move forward in short, uncontrollable bursts.