Train Dodger
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Why use Move or Kinect alone, when you can use them together?

Wow. Nice to see someone with a good head on their shoulders here. I agree wholeheartedly. Counter-terrorism should be the job of spooks and spec-ops. In fact, I'm concerned about our military's level of readiness should a high-intensity war between two superpowers break out, because we've specialized ourselves too

You must be confusing her with Kainé from Nier.

It's bigger than the PSP, eh? No worries. I've got an 88-liter Eagle Industries duffel bag I can toss it in. Well, actually, I'd stuff it in a backpack pouch, and then stuff the backpack into the duffel.

Whoah, holy shit. The next leader of North Korea is my freakin' doppelganger. That certainly doesn't put me at ease. In fact, it's fucking terrifying.

I'm a big Relic fan. I loved the Homeworld series, CoH, DoW and its expansions, etc.

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Did you just say retarded? Looks like we've got an ableist. Don't you know how offensive that term is to mentally-disabled people?

The head's out of proportion because while the artist in question is excellent at drawing mechanical stuff and clothing/armor, he is - or was, since that pic is a couple years old and his skills have improved since then - relatively mediocre at human figure drawing.

I like the way ACS/Shimmering-Sword of DA fame draws women in powered armor:

Nancy Wake killed an SS sentry with her bare hands:

Is Carl Johnson average? What about Niko Bellic? Is he average?

You're missing the point. It doesn't matter that it's a stepping hook versus a standing jab. That was a thousand-pound punch. Your average street thug punches a fraction as hard when they're really trying.

There have been plenty of female criminals and even full-on mobsters down through the ages. History is simply reluctant to reveal their existence to us.

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Lucia Rijker and her thousand-pound haymaker disagree with you.

Lots of people don't even know you play as a woman in that game. I saw one guy make a kitchen joke (it's getting very, very old, by the way) about that fan-made Portal short film, and I asked him if he even realized what the protagonist's gender was in the actual game itself.

Of course they do. I already know this. However, few - if any - have quite the density of nerve endings that those particular areas do. Mine, on the other hand, all produce the same or greater levels of pleasure.

I don't think Skyrim allows AI to interact directly with Havok physics objects. Remember, those objects are completely decoupled from characters. The way Skyrim's engine works, in order for a character to interact with something directly, they have to link that object to one of their item slots and then play a canned

If you hold down activate and grab an object, you can move it around using the Havok physics and place it wherever you want. If you drop a bucket on someone's head, it obscures their line-of-sight, making it incredibly easy to remain hidden while sneaking. All they would need to do to patch it out is flag buckets as

He stole that bucket from a Horker.