By the way, I think it's rather quaint how your species has a single clitoris or penile glans. Individual. Solitary. Unitary. Much like the attitudes you have about sex.
By the way, I think it's rather quaint how your species has a single clitoris or penile glans. Individual. Solitary. Unitary. Much like the attitudes you have about sex.
Honestly, it doesn't look that bad. I mean, it's from the guys who gave us Bayonetta and Vanquish, and I love the shit out of those games. They know exactly what they're doing. Even if the plotting and direction of it is kind of silly even by MGS standards, I'm sure it'll be a blast to play.
"How old are you and how many relationships have you been in? I'm curious to know what your experiences have been."
Too expensive, I bet. Probably restricted to supercomputers, servers and proprietary chips for military hardware, right? Pardon my ignorance, but how would you compare the ruggedness of III-V semiconductors to silicon? How vulnerable are they to static, power surges and mechanical shock? One of the biggest barriers to…
One time, I got a DFI LanParty mobo from an online outfit called eWiz or something, and it was dead on arrival. They refused to refund it, telling me to send it in to the manufacturer. I eventually went with a dual-core build, and I'm so glad I did. My current desktop machine has parts from the 2006-2007 era, so it's…
I don't give a damn. I'm typing all this on a little Acer netbook situated on my desk between two halves of a Saitek X52 Pro HOTAS joystick and throttle system. On the LG HDTV in front of me, I've got X3: Terran Conflict running on my desktop machine. So, you see, I'm basically passing the time while I wait for my…
Do you even know what that word means? Calling someone delusional without qualification is infinitely more pretentious than anything I've said or done. All I've tried to do is honestly express my opinion on a given subject, and yet you somehow feel the need to make yourself look "better" than I do with your put-downs.…
That's not even an argument. That's just name-calling. Do you honestly have something constructive to add to the debate, or are you just going to hurl pointless abuse like a fourth-grader?
And I think you're possessive.
They use content profiling to detect and automatically censor copyrighted content, even if it's within the limits of fair use. This profiling system can compare your video to a huge database of audio and video content, searching for a match. If it finds a match, it gets flagged. There's no way they could have human…
See, and that's what bugs me. We have this notion that love and sex should be some kind of exclusive pact between two people, when in reality that idea is just a bogus societal construct programmed into us during our youth. If you ask me, Victorian ideals have no place in modern society. Would you feel jealousy over…
What is this salty stuff on my face?
I have never understood jealousy because I have never experienced it. When I think of all the people out there whose lot in life is supposedly better than mine for some reason or another, I don't begrudge them any of it, because I don't really see the point. No matter how wealthy one is, or how good their moral…
Why don't we, as a species, simply embrace polyamory and stop treating each other like possessions? You can't commoditize love. That's my answer to the whole cheating debate.
It's actually not that farfetched. All it takes is some lunatic piloting a radio-controlled plane laden with explosives into a G8 conference, and you've got world chaos. If they had any sense at all, they'd put up C-RAM guns around sensitive meetings to prevent such attacks.
And Bubbles, too. Man, she does... like... all my favorite characters. From everything.
Oh god, it loops!
You ever play Soldiers of Anarchy? That was one of my favorite post-apocalyptic games. It was a real-time tactical game, like Jagged Alliance meets C&C. It was set in a world where a virus obliterates most of Earth's population. You play as a few soldiers from all over the world who were on a joint exercise and hid…
Reminds me of Appleseed, only even more cel-shaded.
Brand new elements? Like what? Unstable transuranic elements that quickly decay into lesser ones?