Of course those execs are going to implicate Prince. It's called cover your ass, and it's a strategy that mankind has been using since the dawn of time.
Of course those execs are going to implicate Prince. It's called cover your ass, and it's a strategy that mankind has been using since the dawn of time.
Yes, he founded a mercenary company. Yes, they've overstepped their bounds on numerous occasions. But, if you know anything about running a company, you'd know that these things tend to take on a life of their own. A CEO's job is to count the big beans. It's not like he can carefully micromanage every single aspect of…
Just what has he done, exactly?
How come people always invert the plural and singular forms of woman these days? I keep seeing people write things like "a women", or "most woman".
Sometimes, maintaining an uneasy silence is preferable to delivering an apologia, no matter how heartfelt or true. Avoiding saying or writing things that you will come to regret is best of all, though it's immensely hard to be a journalist at the same time. Not all of us can afford to keep our mouths shut 24/7, or we…
From Type-Moon's Fate series.
Finn is Dovahkiin!
Actually, to be quite honest, I was kind of upset at how almost all the Heavy Armor in Skyrim had form-fitting boob-plates. But then, I remembered how the "fans" were all complaining that the Heavy Armor in Oblivion was "turning their girls into dudes when they put it on". It's like they've never seen a real suit of…
EDIT: Argh, someone already posted it. Should have looked through the older comments.
Look closely, and you'll see the shadow of a dragon.
This, right here. We sorely need a fix for this quest.
Humanity is truly perverse. We - as a species - built toilets, urinals, restrooms, washrooms, et cetera, so we could relieve ourselves in comfort without having to do it in the presence of wild animals that might try to take a bite out of our naughty bits while we're vulnerable and exposed. Now, we use our piss…
I don't want to play a game while I pee. I just want to pee in peace. Is that so wrong?
I did the same thing and enchanted my armor, helmet, ring and necklace with Fortify Destruction 25%, reducing the cost of Destruction spells to literally nothing. Infinite Rapid-Fire Chain Lightning FTW.
It's not necessarily occultic, but it's distracting.
One time, I stepped on a Lego brick so hard that it sliced the underside of my toe right where the phalanges join with the metatarsals.