Hey, I live near Seattle, and I LOVE Skyrim's climate! It's all freezing-ass cold, wintery and overcast year-round, just the way I like it. Those pillowy, clouded-over skies are cozy like a quilted duvet to me.
Hey, I live near Seattle, and I LOVE Skyrim's climate! It's all freezing-ass cold, wintery and overcast year-round, just the way I like it. Those pillowy, clouded-over skies are cozy like a quilted duvet to me.
What I like about the parody is that they even replicated the horrendous grammar and diction and lack of familiarity with jargon that a lot of those "Christian" media review sites have.
I was thinking the same thing as MrBigWaffles, only I took it a step further. Since you're not likely to find a dragon willing to let you ride it (with the possible exception of Paarthurnax or Odahviing), why not simply transform into a manifestation of Akatosh, Martin Septim style? Whoops, you're dead.
Skyrim on the PC has mods too; something the console versions will never have. When they finally release the Creation Kit, modders will be able to do things like custom, fan-made patches that eliminate the typographical errors, graphical glitches (stuff like floating rocks, clipping, clothing slot issues, holes in the…
I must have something like a hundred games on my Steam account, so I've definitely got no problem paying for PC games.
It isn't so much that we want to kill kids; it's the sheer absurdity of making a small, defenseless NPC completely invulnerable to all sources of damage. If a random enemy starts using area-effect spells that blast both you and the kid standing next to you, and you - a heavily-armored warrior - die, while the child…
You're right about the controversy thing, but to be honest, I think video games should be more like real life. You should have the option to commit every heinous act imaginable, so that showing proper restraint actually means something. This whole thing where they sugarcoat the situation and depict children as…
Don't laugh. Last time I opened up my case, I had to dual-wield a pair of duster cans to blow all that crap out of there. Next time, I'm probably going to take my machine down to the garage and blow it out with an air compressor.
Skeletons are easy if you have the right equipment. Just don't go up against them without crafting some iron armor, an iron sword and a bow first. If you find yourself under-equipped when facing one, just sprint away from them by double-tapping the forward movement key. Killing things is not always a necessity.
That Elite's laugh was timed perfectly.
Actually, the Desert Eagle was originally developed as a replacement for big-bore revolvers in long-range silhouette shooting. It was designed from the ground up as a target pistol; nothing more, nothing less. That's why it has a dovetail mount for a scope. The video shows the shooting sport that the Desert Eagle was…
I've held a Desert Eagle IRL at a gun shop before. Damn thing feels like a five-pound dumbbell. Very heavy and clunky. I used to like those guns when I was a kid, but something about them just rubs me the wrong way. For the price, I'd rather have a decent revolver.
The Planet Xbox 360 one is missing the number on the bar.
The Snub Pistol has a couple things about it that are downright nonsensical. First of all, it lacks proper sights. That little front post thing on there isn't going to help you hit anything. Second, the magazine is inserted in front of the trigger guard. Not only does that not make any sense from a mechanical…
The movement speed only seems slow because of how large the player character and the environments are. You're a seven-foot-tall dude who takes massive strides.
This is one of those games where I honestly don't care about the review scores at all. My mind was already made up the day they announced it.
The way I see it, there's nothing wrong with Call of Duty. It's sharp. It's polished. It plays well. Sure, the story in MW2 was kind of loopy, but who cares? Multiplayer was always the main draw of that game for me, anyway.
All they have to do in order to close that back door is re-issue new tokens, which they've probably already done.