Train Dodger

Well, yeah. Exactly. Nobody said that video games have to be uber-realistic all the time. It's just that I find it a little interesting how there seems to be a push among game developers to go back to the shooting mechanics of yesteryear where every gun was an inaccurate bullet hose. I mean, compare the Assault Rifle

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Funny. A lot of people complain about the guns in COD for the exact opposite reason; that they have no recoil. When it comes down to it, a lot of video games exaggerate recoil effects significantly. That's because a lot of game developers have never fired a gun in their lives.

That's because it's a Spaghetti Western in a modern-day setting. Lots of Japanese movies and animation are like that. They blend the serious with the not-so-serious, resulting in bathos. Just watch some anime and you'll know what I mean.

Should you buy anything this year? Kotaku says NO.

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The Halo Sniper Rifle is based on the real-life Mechem/Denel NTW-20, which comes in 20x82mm Mauser MG151/20, 20x110mm Hispano HS.404 and the Soviet 14.5x114mm HMG round. The reason why it's bolt-action only and fed from a side-loaded magazine is because the recoil dampening system involves a hydraulic buffer and

The AI in R6V1&2 was fucking ridiculous. They'd round on you and shoot you in the blink of an eye. When I did all the T-hunt missions solo at every difficulty, I had memorized their spawn locations by rote and knew how to camp choke points where I could lure them into doorways and blast them in relative safety. Real

I had a bunch of weird ideas when I penned all that crap quite a while back, too. Stuff like:

In summary, even if you do wacky stuff in Undead Nightmare or Ballad of Gay Tony, that still doesn't change the fact that the controls and gameplay conventions are as rigid as an arthritis sufferer's knees.

Well, it's about more than just that. It's about having San Andreas-level over-the-top crap married to GTA IV/RDR-level technical sophistication. The problem I have with the serious tone Rockstar adopted with GTA IV onward is that it restricts the gameplay quite a bit. I mean, this issue is far more complex than

The problem with your argument is that you assume that all young, white males want exactly the same thing. What about me? I'm 21, white, and extremely nerdy. I like tomboys and badass chicks. I watch Quentin Tarantino and Joss Whedon films like it's a religion. I've got manga on my bookshelf with female leads who are

Did everybody play a different game from me? I've played pretty much every GTA title there is, and the lead character in each one is typically no more than your run-of-the-mill errand boy, and they stay that way right up to the very end. Even if you mow down leagues of cops and other gangsters, you never really "sieze

I love it how people always play the political correctness card whenever girl power comes into the equation. What's PC about a female gangster, anyway? That's not PC. That's just people being people. Hell, the GTA series has had plenty of ladies that would have been perfect as player characters, like Catalina or

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Funny that you'd say that, since San Andreas did, indeed, have a go-kart you could drive.

"Female badasses don't work. Period."

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An average woman might not, but this lady might.

The thing I find funniest about all this is how everyone's saying "a woman could never be a mob kingpin". Since when were we ever in charge of anything in any of the GTA games?

Better yet, how about an actual open-world Black Lagoon game using the Rockstar Advanced Game Engine?

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If Rampage is any indication, Uwe Boll can actually make a half-decent film if he tries. By intentionally making excruciatingly shitty movies, he was likely exploiting a tax loophole in German law.

Well, that's interesting. Apparently, all it takes to radically alter the local climate and air quality is one dude in a little wooden shack using a tiny furnace for a few minutes every day. Hyperbole, much?

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Valeria/Elica from Malicious would like to have a word with you.