Train Dodger

Not a touch screen, but a touchpad. Touchpads and touchscreens are insensitive to contact with most surfaces. They're not pressure-sensitive; they sense the position of your finger using capacitance or resistivity. To put it simply, the pad has a charge running through it, and your finger draws some of that charge

This particular stereotype doesn't seem as negative when you apply it to men, due to the way societal perceptions towards women and standards of attractiveness work. Take away Chris Redfield's good looks, and he's still a man that the audience can totally empathize with. Take away Sheva's looks, and she comes

Hey, I like attractive characters too. But when your entire cast look like they belong on the cover of Sports Illustrated, hey, isn't that just a tad unrealistic? Real life is full of people who range from average-looking to downright ugly. I understand that they have an audience to cater to, but still. It wouldn't

Excellent article. Even though I'm a man, I can honestly say I've had it up to here with shallow, conventionally-attractive female protagonists. Books have had more homely-looking or even disfigured ladies with leading roles and interesting personalities for quite some time now, so why not games and movies?

Actually, I think it's quite fitting. I mean, if they had a larger vocabulary than the word "bitch", that would seem to imply that they had an education. If they had an education, they wouldn't need to turn to petty crime.

And, of course, Colonel Quaritch does not give one single fuck.

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After I saw that trailer with the huge STAG airship/VTOL/ducted-fan-thingie, my first thought was... "okay, that's a pretty clear Avatar parody right there. What's next? A Colonel Quaritch look-alike?"

To be quite honest, I don't really care about mainstream review scores. They can be handy in some instances and for certain genres, but not all. There are plenty of games out there that got sixes and sevens that I would rate at least an eight. Stuff like Phantom Crash and Blood Wake, where I'm biased in favor of them

It's an art form. I especially love the glitches and sequence breaks they often employ to skip parts of levels. It takes some skill to do that without glitching out completely and breaking the game and/or dying and going back to the last save.

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On a more serious note, what actually goes on in Wall Street? Well, it's a little something like this.

Hmm. Next month, Saints Row: The Third, Halo: CE Anniversary and Skyrim are hitting next week. I'm a big Halo fan, but I have to say, I'm eagerly anticipating both SR3 and Skyrim. The former, because Volition finally implemented hair and cloth dynamics along with the rest of the customization features Saints Row is

The proper way to wield the strategy guide is to take it and use its sturdy binding and enormous girth to bludgeon your foes to death.

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Remember, this is from the same guys that gave us Chronicles of Riddick: EFBB. I freakin' loved that game, and I've always expected great things from them ever since.

It's a good thing we don't have smell-o-vision.

BF3 plays a lot like COD. I basically played it using the exact same mindless run-and-gun rusher playstyle I used in MW2, and I was getting kills left and right. I was actually kind of disappointed about that; I love COD, but I'd rather have a little variety in my lineup, if you know what I mean. It's not good when

The point wasn't to gloat. About 90% of the players I saw on the PS3 version of the beta were either going negative or just barely getting into the double-digit kill marks. As a matter of fact, I wasn't uber-pro or anything; everyone else simply sucked at it.

Yeah, but then the manual wouldn't have been able to fit in there.

Not to mention, it's actually a rather shady practice that has the potential to provide huge amounts of funding to terrorist groups, drug cartels and non-state actors.