Train Dodger

I liked the helicopter gunship sequence in the demo. Didn't really like the on-rails-esque pursuit sequences that were required to defeat the more evasive targets in the jet fighter mode.

Actually, yeah, it was kind of a big deal. Especially considering that I averaged 850 to 930 score per minute, had a win ratio over 2:1 and rarely got fewer than 40-50 kills per match. I think that success at an online game would, indeed, affect one's decision to purchase it, would it not? I imagine that the folks

Hey, that's some excellent work there. Mock-raytracing effects in video games have been a long time coming. Here's hoping they end up loaning it out to a team that actually knows what they're doing on the gameplay and storytelling side of things, like Eidos Montreal.

There were a couple other bugs, now that I think of it. Like the one where the full-screen shader effect glitched out and the screen went all-white, or the one where a bunch of projectile effects hung in the air causing weird lighting and framerate drops.

That's because they literally have no clue what it means. I mean, can you read what that shirt up there in Japanese says? If you saw a little American kid wearing that, how would you - or anyone else around them - know if it said something offensive?

That's pretty good. I got up to Service Star 2 about a week ago after playing for four or five days straight, averaging around 930 score per minute, and then I just up and quit playing for the last week and kept working on my castle in Minecraft instead. I was getting really damned sick of the lag and the bugs in the

I had fun playing the beta. Probably because I tended to win a lot at it. If anyone played the PS3 version, I was that crazy dude who went by the handle TrainDodger and stomped a lot of arses flat. I went 20/0 in one round and 64/28 in another. Ranked up to Colonel Service Star 2 faster than anybody else I saw on

That argument - while mostly sound - is based upon the assumption that all who watch or consume that sort of material imagine themselves as the dominant, penetrating partner rather than as the submissive one. Indeed, I would like to think that there is a difference between lusting after fictional children and

Yes, which was around the time that my ancestors - a bunch of puritanical, batshit-insane caucasians - brought Abrahamic religion and dominator culture to the Americas. A tragedy if there ever was one.

You don't know what I've been through, man. You haven't lived my life. Perhaps you didn't have to deal with spankings and abuse as a child, or watch your family get into giant, psychotic fights. I'm almost certain you didn't have to deal with your family being stalked by private insurance investigators, or your sister

I also do it for that reason as well. If there's one emerging trend in video games that I hate, it's the tendency among game developers nowadays to go back and try and "reinvent" the strong-willed female protagonists of yesteryear by chickifying them. Case in point, Samus Aran and Lara Croft. Was Other M really

Yes, yes, exactly! See, the way I see it, the female body is the very height of aestheticism. It looks good in anything, doing anything. Women can basically get away with wearing pretty much every article of clothing ever devised, and look good in it. With the way cultural perceptions and society are, men can scarcely

Damn, I want to play Gravity Rush so bad. I still can't believe that Sony's missing Christmas. Not that I celebrate Christmas; I don't. I just think it's a bad business decision on their part.

Sure, I'd wear that. Just as long as I don't get absorbed into the body of a giant, mutated dude who used to be my friend.

My memories of my childhood aren't blurry at all. In fact, they're quite vivid. When I was six, I was reading encyclopedias meant for adults.

@CRCError19 The heck? Your post lacks a reply button on my end. Anyway...

Exactly. If we're looking to ban freakin' cartoons, we should be telling middle-easterners to quit having arranged marriages to actual children. I heard about this one Yemeni girl who died while in labor. She was twelve fucking years old. Why isn't that shit outlawed?

No, they're not children. They're drawings. Drawings.

Exactly. The technology sounds great on paper, but in reality, it has the potential to become a huge invasion of privacy. I have high hopes for the future promised by technologies such as these, but I temper that optimism with a great deal of pessimism as well.