Train Dodger

No, honestly. You come on here, attacking my points, saying that I'm wrong, but where's the evidence of it? What empirical data do you have that says my theories are incorrect? That's right. None. Zero.

I was having quite a bit of fun playing the PC version of the BF3 Beta, when it worked. Lag, stuttering, repeated sound effects, et cetera. My machine is just not cut out for it. I've got an Athlon 64 X2 6400+, Radeon HD 3870 and 2 GB of RAM, so my machine can handle Crysis on medium settings. The RAM is a major weak

This is utterly insane.

Now playing

If you think the current crop of shooters are too difficult, you guys need to play Metal Gear Online. In COD, I can twitch-shoot people so fast that they think I've got an aimbot or something. In MGO, I get bent over a barrel. All the people who still play MGO are beasts, so if you think you can win by going after

"You suffer from selective reading or are purposely obfuscating. The argument I was referring to was... "

Another thing to keep in mind is that each full-size block in the game is 1 cubic meter in size. An Iron shovel is good for 251 blocks, or 251 cubic meters/8863 cubic feet of material. That's like filling a 1200-square-foot single-story home with dirt and digging it all out by hand. That would probably break a shovel

If you use tools correctly, you should have gobs and gobs of resources. To make things easier, put a double-width chest next to your crafting bench (or wherever you need tools), and then put a sign above it that reads "Tools". Then, craft a ton of tools all at once and fill up the chest completely. I usually make

I am speechless. This... this is brilliant.

Altman be praised.

That's because you keep calling it an argument. It wasn't an argument. It was idle conjecture.

In a hilarious coincidence, if you read "Osama" as a Japanese word compound instead of an Arabic name, it sounds suspiciously like "the big cheese" when you translate it into English.

"Data for what? Fapping?"

I'll agree with most of what was said there, but I must also disagree with your apparent contention that my analysis was restricted solely to the correctness of the word's usage. See, my whole point is that there seems to be some sort of impulse amongst the populace to allude to the vulva without actually speaking of

"An ad hominem (Latin: "to the man", "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to negate the truth of a claim"

I hate to say it, but the most fun I've ever had playing a Battlefield game was with Battlefield 2142. You could actually fly the VTOLs without needing a joystick, and the futuristic guns were badass. Who's for a 2143? With a story mode included?

And calling someone Dr. Kildare and bringing up introductory college courses isn't an ad hominem attack? Pot, meet kettle.


Hmm. I was playing Half-Life when I was only eight or nine. Man, those were the days. Kick back with a Budweiser, blitz through Xen and then head on over to the garage and finish welding up a coffee table for the living room in the evening.

Now playing

Yes, but why is it the correct term to use in the conversational sense? I may be reading a little too much into this, but I think there's something deeper at work here.