Train Dodger

No, because butt is a shortened slang variant of buttocks and includes the anus.

Exactly. I had already surmised that prudishness played a critical part in the whole affair.

"clearly you have not seen enough female genitalia

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"Why would medical terminology be publicly inappropriate."

Ahh, but I'm getting off-topic. Can anyone here explain precisely why the word "vagina" came to be the commonly-accepted figure of speech used to refer to the vulva and all associated structures?

At that rate, I would have preferred that they use the slang terms, because those actually do - by definition - encompass the entire structure of the female genitalia.

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The world gives us very, very good reason to be afraid. Humans are the most terrifying monster in all the known universe, and we don't even realize it.

Actually, I suppose I should elaborate on that. See, if you view humanity as a collective, then each violent act towards another human being is simply part of a zero sum game that results in a loss of overall efficiency to the system. Yes, someone may expect short-term gains from violence and criminality (much as a

Sorry, that was a bit of the ol' creationist in me coming out, despite my best attempts to suppress it. Some YEC-based christian dogmas - like the kind I was raised in - hold that physical conflict was introduced into the world via original sin. Before that happened, all animals were vegetarian or something.

Why? Is vulva too "icky" or something?

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It appears as though a large number of cultures tend to treat the female nude as though it were inherently pornographic, even if the subject isn't being depicted in the act of sexual intercourse. Case in point, classical sculpture. Perfectly-rendered penis and testes? That's okay. Perfectly-rendered clitoris and

It seems to me like the word vulva is - itself - being treated as a taboo word, thus decreasing its usage in the English-speaking world despite the fact that it has one less syllable and is therefore easier to pronounce. "Vagina" is convenient; everybody knows (or thinks they know) what it is, so they use it to

Not to be too pedantic, but I couldn't help but notice just how many people colloquially refer to the external parts of the female genitalia as the "vagina". This is incorrect. The exterior is the vulva, which includes the labia and clitoris. If you pry the labia apart, you can see the urethra and vaginal opening. The

I love this stuff. There's a place where they sell Elk jerky for $33 per pound about fifty miles from where I live. Of course, I ain't tellin' where, lest the drooling hordes descend upon the store and drain their entire supply of delicious, mouth-watering jerky in two seconds flat.

I honestly don't give a damn if video game companies and telecommunications providers include such a clause in their terms of service, since I can't imagine a situation in which I would feel the need to sue such an entity. However, I find the idea that virtually any corporation can incorporate this clause into their

Exactly. But then again, why not just put the instructions on the cartridge as an ebook?

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Looking at the specs, I'd say that the Vita is about 3.5x to 4x more powerful than the 3DS, similar to the difference in power between the PS2 and Xbox.

No. Just... no.

Battery life is a non-issue for me. When I'm home, I use outlet power. When I'm in the car, I use a cigarette lighter adapter. When I'm on foot, I either find an outlet I can use or I avoid being away from my car long enough to drain the battery completely.