Assault Horizon looks awesome, but I still want more Strangereal.
Assault Horizon looks awesome, but I still want more Strangereal.
Another reason why the textures look ass-tastic probably has to do with importing the Halo 4 Warthog model into Forza 4. Probably messed up all the fancy shaders they're using, just like how the imported Warthog model in DOA4 looked kinda goofy.
And gas cans? On a Warthog? It runs on Hydrogen! Hydrogen fuel for internal combustion engine vehicles comes in the form of metal or composite cylinders that contain hydrogen under extreme pressure in a liquid or gaseous form. Unless those cans are filled with water for the hydrogen cracking system, this is totally…
Uh-oh. Looks like someone doesn't know how to use smoothing groups. Check out that bizarre shading on the turret's magazine, stock and fore-end.
It's called sarcasm. I heard that it's a fairly popular rhetorical device on this planet.
I think they're mainly worried about the free advertisement for OnLive that the promo code represents. Their reasoning must be something like, "if we let our customers try out OnLive for free, and they like it, they'll buy more of their games from OnLive in the future instead of coming to us".
Perhaps the differences in ear shape can be attributed to genetic variations in isolated populations?
That's it. I'm done. GameStop is hereby stricken from the list of retailers that I shall visit for future game purchases.
Yeah, I'll think for myself. I'll think right on over to Amazon and Steam, where I do the vast majority of my video game purchases.
Until that Gamification is Bullshit article, I didn't know this was a thing. I wish I could rewind the clock and go back to a gentler time when I was unaware such horrors existed.
I'll just leave this right here.
One of my Dreamcast memory cards died. Oh, and I signed up for Xbox Live way back in 2002 when the service first launched, but my profile was stuck on an original Xbox that died with a red ring around the eject button. I think that was before they offered account recovery services. Or maybe I just didn't know whether…
You've encountered a wild Creeper!
What the fuck did I just watch?
I'm actually rather stoked for this game, if only because it may very well pave the way for a Monster Hunter sequel using Capcom's MT Framework engine.