Train Dodger

Seeing as how the DS Lite's controls are indeed rather small, I can see how that could happen. However, most of the games I played on the DS Lite were the slow, plodding kind. Advance Wars, Pokemon, various RPGs, et cetera. Nothing that really pushes the comfort of the controls - or lack thereof - to their limit.

Now playing

Triela of GSG fame is probably my favorite out of all of those listed on that trope page, actually.

"Can't stab me with that puny knife of yours if I'm up here, can you?"

Hey, is that a Twi'lek?

What fetish? No, wait. Let me see if I can figure this out:

I'm definitely going to be getting this one, but if there's one thing about the PS Vita that I'm not too fond of, it's the tiny D-Pad and face buttons. I've got big hands, and playing action games on the PSP was like trying to milk a pygmy marmoset.

Oh, and it sure has been fun watching the mech sim, space sim, flight sim, real-time strategy, real-time tactical and turn-based strategy genres slowly die and be replaced by unending hordes of copycat aim-down-the-sight FPS games. Really, really fun.

Hey, if you want to pay sixty dollars every year to play the same damned game over and over again, that's your business. If you need me, I'll be over here making a freakin' huge castle in Minecraft.

You know what? I miss the good old days when game development was a cottage industry where between one and twenty guys worked on something that they actually enjoyed doing. With video games rising to the level of technical sophistication, personnel numbers and financial backing that movies have enjoyed for decades,

Gabe's got a massive hard-on for BF3. I can sympathize.

First game ever played? I don't quite remember, but I'm pretty sure it was one of those Super Mario Bros. arcade units. Also played Pac-Man and Donkey Kong arcade machines back then. I was about four or five, and I needed a chair to reach the controls. First games I ever owned were Need for Speed II SE and Sonic 3 &

Default Femshep is red, so I say red.

I second this. Another dime-a-dozen MMO? No thanks. Movie based on that trailer? Yes, please.

Well, Canada technically is part of North America. So, in a manner of speaking, all the inhabitants of North and South America are "American".

If you think that's strange, what about the part where the planetary bodies and stars of Nirn's sky are basically actual deities?

Look at that thousand-yard stare on that Redguard dude, top row on the far right. He looks like he's about to rip a dragon in half with his freakin' bare hands.

Awkward Zombie was awesome.

I said it narrowed it down. I didn't say it narrowed it down to America.

France used concrete-filled bomb casings as an impact weapon during the intervention in Libya:

Those numbers are good, but aec007 misquoted the actual performance statistics of the MGM-166 LOSAT. The missile has a maximum range of 4 to 5 kilometers, travels at Mach 4.408 (5000 ft/s, 1524 m/s) weighs 177 pounds at launch and has an impactor mass of about 75 pounds plus whatever fuel is left over when it hits the