Train Dodger

Yes, because I really, really want to fly around staring at completely inert, lifeless palm trees, pottery and statues when I could be mining and building a huge fortress to defend myself from terrifying creatures that come out only at night.

It doesn't matter what his name is or how it's spelled. If Guts decided to call himself Skittleson von Drakenstein or something ridiculous like that, it would officially become a name simply by virtue of him choosing it. He's just that badass.

Actually, it is natural selection. If enough people sit on their arse and survive to breed, we'll end up evolving into a species of super-arse-sitting human barnacles that can survive twenty-hour gaming binges without developing nasty health problems.

Due to her status as a Valkyria, the image of Selvaria is so heavily phallicized that no amount of sexualization can demean her or reduce her stature. In fact, it only magnifies her controlling essence.

Oh, so it's like Slender Man meets SCP-173.

Oh, wow. I wish that was my house. Why is it that your average commercial structure always ends up looking like a better home than most of the stick-frame houses out there on the market? I hate all this gingerbread, southern contemporary bullshit that American homebuilders and homeowners associations are so obsessed

When I've used DualShock controllers, it always feels like this very same thing is constantly on the verge of happening by accident. Sure, they hold up well when used properly, but the casing feels light and flimsy.

Wait a minute... look at that diagram on the left at 1:49. You can adjust not only the size, but also the perkiness of your character's tits?

Now playing

You know why I'm excited about handhelds like the 3DS and Vita? Because they raise the bar. Now that handhelds are getting to be as powerful as sixth-gen home consoles, game developers won't have anywhere to run to when they want to downgrade a triple-A console game by making a bunch of cheesy handheld sequels. I'm

Dammit, my heart skipped a beat when I read Zone of the Enders in italics. It's just figures though. False alarm.

Under Options, there's a setting for the number of ragdolls allowed in any given scene. If it's set to zero, the ragdolls are completely disabled, saving tons of performance and making the game look a little better.

You have to admit, this guy was a bit more clever than your average mass-murdering psychopath. Almost makes me wonder whether or not he was working alone.

Very true. This is actually the reason why I disabled the ragdolls whenever I played M&B: Warband. The canned animations looked better.

Dammit, I just dribbled saliva all over my shirt.

Now playing

I read parts of that manifesto this Anders guy wrote. While it seemed well-researched and informative on some matters, it is completely warped by his own personal biases and filled to the brim with rambling nonsense and horrible editing. All the sections seem out of order, like some kind of stream-of-consciousness

I want a Move-enabled Mount & Blade sequel for the PS3.

The PS3 locked up because it couldn't handle this much raw AWESOME.

Hot damn, this is like Battlezone 2 meets Crimson Skies. I freakin' approve.

X3:TC + mods (MARS Fire Control, Cockpit Mod, etc.) is unbelievably excellent. After 250 hours of play, I had a factory complex pumping out millions of credaroos and manufacturing weapons for my ships. I flew around in a Terran Osaka-class M2, and I had even managed to capture a Kha'ak fighter while cruising in Kha'ak

Oh god, I lost so many hours playing X3:TC. I got a Saitek X52 Pro and made a custom profile from the ground up, using the mode switcher so that I had modes for navigation, construction and combat. I even set it up so that the toggle switches launched drones using MARS Fire Control. I even got a Brando Super Tiny