There's even a trope for that:
There's even a trope for that:
The only thing that would make this Vega dude a serviceable character was if he were actually VOICED by Thomas F. Wilson.
My favorite Disney-published game was Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon, made way back in 2002. It was a strategy game by Barking Dog Studios (now Rockstar Vancouver, the guys who made Bully and are now doing the upcoming Max Payne 3). For a game targeted at kids, it had some interesting and complex gameplay.
If humans are gullible enough to believe that an interstellar dictator loaded billions of his own people into spaceplanes that looked like Douglas DC-8s, laid them at the feet of volcanoes and then set off those volcanoes with nuclear weapons, and that the ghosts of those murdered aliens haunt us to this day, they'll…
Scientology was essentially an experiment by L. Ron Hubbard to prove that anyone can make a religion into a profitable enterprise. It also proved that humans - big or small, rich or poor - are gullible and will believe virtually anything. I decided that Scientology was where the practices of Religion and Economics…
I was talking about the people in the survey, not the other folks commenting here.
Pfft. Lightweights. I'm 21, and I've probably played at least 2 to 4 years total already. I've played Saints Row 2 for over 400 hours in total. I played X3: Terran Conflict for 250 hours in one month (at a sustained rate, that would amount to 3000 hours a year).
I've skipped showering for a week before. I'm what you'd call a water conservation expert. After about day four, the germs kind of level out.
Don't worry. We've always got Seth Green.
The art of Ragecrafting is not to be taken lightly. Your feelings of rage must be absolutely pure, free of any lingering sense of indecision or guilt. Simple anger does not suffice; when one is merely angry, they are torn between two or more choices that frustrate and confuse them. When they submit to pure and total…
VC is basically X-COM or Jagged Alliance with cel-shaded anime art, a 3D engine and simplified game mechanics. I love it.
Comcast thinks they can get away with crap like this because they're the only game in town in most places. They're going to have to start coming to grips with the fact that people use the internet for more than just a quick peek at the news before teatime.
Uwe Boll is a professional real-life troll. Most people don't make money trolling, but he does.
I hate it when people misuse that acronym. In order to be a MILF, you have to actually be fuckable.
I'll stop playing video games when these people stop listening to music, watching movies, reading newspapers and appearing on this stupid show.
Oh, for the love of god. There are hardly enough female protagonists in video games as it is.