Train Dodger

Boo! This looks too fluid. Clunky controls are part of the whole survival-horror experience. You're supposed to flail around screaming as your character trips over their own feet while fighting the undead hordes.

A bunch of mad scientist dudes in an underground bunker-slash-laboratory who have made themselves functionally immortal through brain-in-a-vat-type technologies kidnap you and take your brain out of your body. Then, the facility comes under attack, and you can choose to either help them drive off the attackers with

I believe that the Castle Doctrine is a generally sound principle that has the potential to save innocent lives. What if a woman is victimized in her own home and she lacks the strength to overpower her attacker and escape? A handgun makes a great equalizer in that situation.

Firearms have a very, very long shelf life when properly maintained. There are an estimated 350,000,000 guns in the US. A gun ban would not make those weapons disappear overnight.

Wait. I don't get it. Why WOULDN'T someone pre-order this game? It's Saints freakin' Row! I put over 400 hours into SR2's offline mode!

In many of my nightmares, I'm running from someone or something that I can't quite identify, and I wake up just as I go on the counterattack.

With this and Dark Souls coming out, it looks like us fantasy hack & slash fans won't be disappointed.

My body is ready.

Bungie is just one among many developers clamoring for creative control in an industry increasingly obsessed with churning out dime-a-dozen rehashes just to make a quick buck.

That was my first thought. If they can build one of these things only half a millimeter wide and a hundredth of a millimeter thick, then why not cluster a thousand of them together like a phased-array radar to make a 2-megapixel, 19.6 by 19.6-inch paper-thin black and white camera with no moving parts?

Looks like it's pneumatically-powered. Imagine if an Anton Chigurh-like killer carried one of those meat trimmers hooked up to an air tank instead of a captive bolt gun?

Why is it that there haven't been that many decent new offerings in the 5.1 multimedia speaker category since Logitech's Z-5500 came out? Five damn years without anything new and ground-breaking on that front is kind of depressing. Or am I missing something?

Now playing

FPSRussia's vids have excellent audio and video quality, but for fuck's sake. His gun safety is atrocious. He muzzles the cameraman and he doesn't always use proper trigger discipline. In this vid, he takes his eyes off the target while firing, which is something that you just don't do. He also shoots through a door

After the D.C. handgun ban, crime skyrocketed. The criminals no longer had anything to be afraid of.

The reason why Americans need guns is because there are more guns than people in this country. If a criminal plans on committing murder or armed robbery with a handgun, why should they care that they're breaking gun laws as well? I'm sure you've heard this argument before, but if we ban guns, only criminals will have

I game in my briefs. If they get sweaty, I swap them.

Oh, I forgot one. Oblivion XP. That one fixes the leveling system by letting you buy points in skills instead of grinding them manually.

To me, Oblivion isn't Oblivion until you've installed like a hundred mods and got them all working together successfully using Wrye Bash.


I just pissed myself. When I realized I pissed myself, I shit myself.