
Well, if they get the stuff in 12 B.C. I'm sure they'd have a few years to figure it out...

Ya I guess... But were they not working WITH the military?

1. Avitar

Just like with how we got all our stuff, the method of production would be invented.

Firing a bow and arrow is a lot different than raising a rifle to your shoulder, aiming through your 4x scope, and fireing a single or 3 round burst.

That was to WWII though. Still an awesome movie. You can really tell the difference between actors and the actual navy servicemen on the aircraft carrier.

But its chocolate chip... my wife made them. And now you're going to make her cry, you big meanie!

Intersting. I'm using the Swype keyboard for Tablets. Works well. Have you got Netflix working yet?

Dude, your roommate sucks at taking video. I wonder where that scene will be in the movie.

Oh that will be so awesome!

You're right. Its not just about punching things. Its about beating the living shit out of things!

Got to be my favourite super hero character!

Installing games on a console is the most useless and pointless thing ever! Sorry, just a side rant.

*hands captfoss a cookie* Just having some fun! LOL

Its so true. Some people just have a hard time spelling. Its kinda sad that in this day and age we have this level of disrespect for language. Your a good person for pointing it out.


I have one too! How do you like it?

I believe that the GPS used by aircraft, emergency services and the military is on a different frequency than by "Joe Blow".

Oh... Thanks...
