
They include doom and Minecraft. Two titles that run on virtually everything from pregnancy tests and smart calculators being powered by potatoes to smart fridges and car infotainment systems.

First off, that’s not coax. That’s RCA or Composite. I have one of these and the quality is poor at best. The image is stretched to fill the screen plus it’s pixelated to hell. It’s OK for a quick solution but long term you’ll want something better.

I'm the same way. Althought I will be replacing my exterior lights (front and back door, and garage) with LEDs as CFLs don't perform as well in the cold. They take a while to warm up and are pretty dim the colder it gets. Plus it causes them to wear out faster. LEDs thrive in the cold.

No need. The weight of passengers, fuel, and luggage is all calculated, and then everything is balanced properly before takeoff. Only time it's an issue, is if the plane needs to make an emergency landing shortly after takeoff and it exceeds it's landing weight due to the fuel.

Doesn't this already exist? I thought it was called the iPad Mini.

Me too! There's 3 of us. Did you guys escape from London too?

Who really needs more than 640k of RAM either. Sheesh!

If you've never had a successful restore from tape backup, either you're doing it wrong, or your tapes have reached their EOL, or it's a bad tape drive. Guess what genius, same thing can happen with optical media, flash media or HDD storage.

From the ISS, that would result in re-entering the atmosphere, which would cause him to burn up. Not possible. Terminal velocity for a human is about 120mph, so he'll be safe.

But who else produces cinema film?

No, they'd rather sue everyone in to oblivion for making a rectangle phone.

5) It's another overpriced Apple product that you most likely don't need.

The information is available to the public.

He's on the campaign trail.

Why do you want an iPhone? What are the reasons behind that decision?

"Doesn't seem like a big loss to the industry. They all look like clones of the iPhone." Are you an idiot or are you pretending to be one? Ya, those black rectangles sure are clones of the iPhone. I can't tell the difference between any of the Galaxy phones and the iPhone. It's damn near impossible!

No. 1080p video, at a reported 60fps with no loss of framerate.

You know, game systems play games too!

Nope. Two. Confirmed BY Nintendo at their press conference.