
Why do you need electricity to use a gas stove? Gas stoves don't require electricity. Use a match to light the burner, and you're set! I don't see the issue here.

Hey Gizmodo, you said you were going to stop calling gadgets sexy! []

Or the bees! Or the hounds with bees in their mouths, and when they bark they shoot bees at you!

Only lulzsec and anonymous also release the information of hundreds and thousands of innocent people. Ya, They sure are great!

There may be a lot of custom roms, but how many are for the SGS2?

And result in fewer passengers, which will result in cost increases!

I'm sure though that he'll suffer from phantom limb syndrome now.

Hell, I'd pay to watch them! Bill Nye is why I love science now!

Poor Bill. He really does try to get his point across, but you can't just get through to anyone at Fox "news"

Last I checked, he was a professor at a university. I bet his classes are always packed!

No No. From New England while in Africa!

I have the entire series on my HTPC. I usually watch it while working out! Loved the show!

There is no such thing as real science or news on Fox "News"

So only innovations that have happened in the last 10 years are valid? Interesting...

Could always dye them ;)

Sounds about right from what I've read...

And up here not many people have guns in the home (in the city), and yet home invasions are very few and far between. Its a false sense of security. Like carrying a pocket knife (folding) with you in case you get mugged.

Ok, lets use a typical suburban home. Basement, main floor and top floor. You're in the living room, someone breaks in the front door, lets say that in a typical layout the front door is placed between the living room and the stairs for your 2nd floor. The home invader now is between you and your weapon. If you're

If someone wants to invade your home, they will regardless of you have a gun or not. Not to mention, if you're a responsible adult, you'll have it in a locked box, with a trigger lock, not laying around so that anyone can pick it up. or under your pillow, or bed, or in your coffee table or night stand.

I agree! Post ALL kinds of pictures, so we can easily find out who they are and give them a combat boot to the face!