
I was going for a Hot Fuzz joke, guess It got missed.

"off-topic, lady cop in pic#10 is kinda sexy"

I find that too. My left hand mostly, because I play sitting on the couch, so my left wrist is bent at an angle.

And soon, they're create a bigger board, with a bigger nail... And eventually, they'll create a board and nail so big, that it will crush them all!!

"Or go out in the country where most ever one got a shotgun or the like"

And they also give people an inflated sense of power. How many morons, rejects and idiots out there with a gun will pull it out in the middle of a conflict, even a simple fender bender? Far too many!


Everybody has guns in the country.

heh ya it was. But some people won't get it. Kinda like my *facepalm* was intended to be humerus. I actually laughed and shook my head when I read your post.

Why don't you go walk in to oncoming traffic you waste of carbon!


Last time I checked, those gladiator fights weren't televised...

I have his book Cosmos (in hardcover too) and the show Cosmos. Awesome material!


WOAH! You've just blown my mind!

No you fool, it would mean that Iron is a component that is native to the universe, not just earth..


Humans are a VERY invasive species.

Or hands up'n'down

Um.. sure...