
Just nuke instant coffee.

A quick search on the Android marketplace, shows a couple of them, but they have low ratings.

What is it with tech companies and AT&T? Don't they read the news or pay attention to customers? Wait, what am I saying? Of course they don't pay attention to customers...

And Pat

Is there a Nintendo DS emulator for Android?

Exactly! Use it as a HTPC, and let me play Portal 2, or Left 4 Dead, or Battlefield, or even Crysis on my TV while sitting on my couch or laying in bed!


Oh, well, then it's all good!

Mmmmm Poptarts


My wife works in a hospital, and she's come across a Ronald McDonald. The kid was 8.

No you're not supposed to say that name! Either of them!

I know someone named Pho Fuk Laie. What about him?

That is such an awesome episode.

Ya, anyone looking for an invite, hit me up w/your email. No, I won't sign you up for gay porn (unless you really want some)

This! I've been looking for a way to rip my PS1, PS2 and PS3 games to my PS3 so that the games can sit safely on the shelf.

I'd get that!

Don't you have enough rainbow floating, spinning, cutesy stuff on OSX?

Don't say Hackintosh too loud. The Apple police might find out and then you'll be in BIG trouble.

You've never used a backlit keyboard have you. They're great. My desktop G15 Ver.2 is backlit, and my Dell Studio 15 is backlit. So nice!