
2mo after I bought my car, Ford released the 2011 Fusion with some features standard in the SE that were optional in my SE. I want those features dammit! I deserve them! COMPLAIN! COMPLAIN!

or high-end HTPC. I'd mount something like that on the back of my TV with only the IR sensor peeking out from under the TV.

"This is the greatest Batman franchises created to date."

What was wrong w/the 2nd?

Until you hit that one crater and go barrel rolling across the lunar sky

Have you seen the movie 'Moon' ?

Today our Astronauts are made of Titanium and Steel (They still are the ballsesit and inanist group on earth and in orbit)

Bet you anything, that once a lunar base is established, that the rovers will be retrieved and put in to a museum.

Ignore my comment about the G-pants...

Shhh, don't say that too loud or the gov'ment will hear you. They've got satellites you know, that can read your brainwaves. But they don't want you to know about it...

They'd kinda have to. Some of the manouvers push the G limit past what a human can tollerate on their own. And no amount of grunting and almostshityourselfsqueezing will help you. Even the Snowbirds wear G-Pants. (I know you were joking too, just had to add my 2 cents).

"investigation into the hands of the TSA and FBI."

I loved my Minidisc player. Was so much better than a CD player. Was almost like combining a CD player and an MP3 player. You could put a couple albums on to a single Minidisc, and it was protected from damage.

The matrix formed first. And then the organisms grew later, and at a substantially accelerated rate.

You know, I'm sure that could come up eventually.

I did just now. DAMN YOU!

with screen... I must be missing a joke here.

"often has strong tints of blue or other undesirable colors" Depends on the LEDs. I've replaced the bulbs in my license plate light, and front turn signals with LEDs and they glow pure white.

Its not a tumah!

Or that's what you WANT us to believe...