
ASheet MaDrawers is reported to have a dirty bomb. (SNL sketch)

I'm in space....

Bragging rights?

They'd have to be to have every NA PS2 release.

Exactly? I still have a blast playing and collecting video games.

Even better solution? Download HD rips (or get someone to make an HD Rip of the movie you own for you)

In an apartment building no less.

You don't use may RIM devices do you...

Now, where did I put my buzzword bingo card?

*Intel LightPeak, Apple Thunderbolt.

@J Dub +1

LightPeak is the original named coined by Intel. Apple, having to be different, called it Thunderbolt.

Its Intel tech. Thunderdolt is just rebranded LightPeak.

Who'da thunk-it eh?


"I'm going to say that it's a complete invasion of privacy and only a real genius would let this in the App Store."


You've not spent much time on the internet have you? With the advent of the internet, the number of stupid people have increased at an alarming rate. Either that, or there is now a huge outlet (any video streaming website) that allows these stupid people to really make themselves known to the world.

Those were freaking awesome books!
