

*to stop sniffing glue

I like how in the movie, when he dried out, he turned in to a kitchen sponge and not a sea sponge.


Just imagine how much productivity will increase if you block social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace as well as bandwidth usage decreasing if you block streaming media sites (radio, video, etc).

This device is a load of crap. It does nothing but swindle people out of their money. Your friend is helping to scam the stupid. How much fuel your car uses while driving is based on a number of things. Tire inflation (too much or too little), road condition, how heavy you are on acceleration, speed in which you're

Ah ok. Got'cha

Why? Both groups are filled with morons.

Licensing is involved, and with that costs go up.

@Shufflemoomin and pretty much everything plays DVD's now a days. Heck, DVD players are less than $30 in most stores. Why do you need yet another one?

You can stream movies w/a Netflix account. Unless its a specific one for US customers (up here, Netflix is streaming only)

Where on the Wii, box, or any of the info does it say that it plays DVDs? The discs may be DVD dicsc, but unless it indicates DVD video playback, its safe to say it's not supported.

Then why can you download and burn the discs?

The Wii U will support HDD based storage. Sure its via USB, but thats not really a big deal.


Most people even have Netflix accounts. Wii U will come, out of the box, with Netflix.

I think you mean the lack of DVD issue for Wii. GameCube's case didn't support full sized DVD's, unless you installed an aftermarket case which did.

It'd would have increased the cost though.

*bangs "Awe-detector"*

I KNOW! Those bastards!!