
Poor G3S... I knew her well...

You seem to be a rational human being. Those people who yell, scream, insult and cry at that poor guy are the ones who believe all the hype that an Apple computer can never, and will never fail, unlike those damn dirty Windows PCs...

When I worked for HP, we were trained to never use the word problem. A problem can't be fixed, an issue can. I hate myself now because I always use issue...

Bow chicka bow wow!

Jeeze I've lost count how many millions of times I use those 2 phrases each week!


Um.. I don't know where you've been, but if you look in to Apple's history, and their customer base, and how people perceive Apple products (the diehard fans), its a freakin' cult!

Apple stores are their own little promised land!


I wasn't aware that the surgery which I received 1yr ago this Friday (the 17th... same as my birthday) was invented by IBM. I am so happy that I got the surgery. I can see clearly now without corrective lenses!

"Clearly there's a reason for all this HYPE you speak of. I'm unbiasedbc[sic] I own both and I would take idevices over android any day."

iDevices sell a lot on hype. a LOT on hype. Don't kid yourself.

I think Seal Team 6 with their super-dogs and secret stealth helicopters need to take a vacation in NK. Maybe take out a few evil nuts while they visit the sights.

How so? Its kinda like getting a liver, lung, kidney, from a family member...

@CLKOREAMG Its the platform not the device. Aside from a few specific apps, everything that I run on my phone runs just fine on my Eee Pad.

I looked at the Iconia, the Eee Pad had a better screen and battery life (the rest of the hardware is the same across the board). I can't comment on my impression of the build of the Iconia, but the Eee Pad feels pretty good, and the Xoom is solid (except for the placement of the power button).

Bow Ties are cool!

@arcticfox012 Damnit, you beat me to it!

Get an Asus Eee Pad Transformer instead! Much better!

I hope more go this way. We could soon see the end of these retarded lawsuits!