
Whelp, Steve-oh has finally lost it! How long until he's walking around in a white robe and wearing sandals (nothing wrong with sandals mind you), finally officially moving Apple from a company to a full fledged cult.

What's good for the goose, isn't good for the gander in Apple's world.

You mean...

Not all "modern" TV's will do a pure passthrough. Mine for example ends up passing through only a 2.0ch audio signal. I've had to resort to a 3-port optical switch for my HTPC, 360 and PS3.

Why? For a keyboard, to charge the tablet, USB Ethernet adapter (if necessary) and for an external HDD, USB 2.0 is going to be more than enough.

@Vaughn Descen From what I've read, its one tablet per system.

As long as there's no restriction, I'll end up getting as large of a notebook HDD in a USB enclosure as I can and that'll be my storage.

Audio output via HDMI. But I agree, I don't use HDMI audio as my reciever doesn't have HDMI input, and my TV doesn't do passthrough via optical, it downgrades all audio to optical which makes me even more sad!

I forget, can you not use the classic controller for Smash Brothers? I'm being way too lazy to go look at the game box. The "new" classic controller is much better than the launch one.

I would too. Would be very nice to not need a USB adapter to go ethernet.

Why? Because you're a consumer whore like the rest of us!

@Mister_Roboto EFFIN' EH!

Exactly. Now that the Wii should be on par with the PS3 and 360, I hope to see a lot more in depth, longer and better games.

Pick up a used GameCube from a pawn shop (thats what I did) or flea market.

Better than the skinny nerds with one really strong arm ;)

"Also, how long before we see Youtube clips of people flinging these shuriken-style into their tv's?"

The DSi dropped GBA support, well before the 3DS.

Did you not read the article?

You do know that a single layer blu-ray disc is 25GB right? How many BDR based games fill a 50GB disc?

Powerglove was made by Mattel. VirtualBoy failed, Sony jumped all over 3D before Nintendo or Microsoft, ROB was a niche attachment, Wiimote/Wii-Controller isn't that bad, especially w/games that use the Wiimotion Plus.