
obvious troll is obvious!

Did you miss that this was a simulator? The Concorde has been grounded for years.

Very... Very... hard...

Which has major and insane disaster written all over it!

Goddamn the CF-105 Avro Arrow was an amazing aircraft. I always daydream that if I was a billionaire, I'd have a team of engineers build a fully working one, complete with Iroquois engines!

The pilot needs to be there. Remote operated vehicles still have too many issues to make them reliable. Especially in combat. Sure, UAVs are performing well, but if it came to a remote pilot or an "in cockpit" pilot to operate the fighter, I'll take the latter any day! A pilot physically flying in the combat zone will

Chuck Norris just needs a jet engine on his back to outperform any flying machine ever created!

Me too. Feel kinda bad for it too.

Maybe the Strike Eagle, but the current compliment of F-15's are suffering from structural fatigue which is causing the planes to disintegrate in the air. The single seat F-15 that we've grown to love needs a major refresh/upgrade.

Why not make them public? This way the proper precautions can be taken. Bridges inspected more regularly for suspicious items, etc.

Could hook the USB port up to a hub for all your peripheral needs. The other end looks like an HDMI or DisplayPort connector.

100% agree!

If only he was real eh?

Good bye fossil fuels!


He should be. Developments like these lead to him having a job in Starfleet!

I'll end up getting this. I want to see the trench run in HD. Plus I'm sure I'll go see A New Hope in 3D when its released too... for the trench run!

Damn straight!