Empress hasn't been mean to any man, though.
Empress hasn't been mean to any man, though.
*picks mic up, taps it*
But that's the problem. Man is evil=put him in shady area; kills/mistreats rando woman #1 for plot point.
Why do people find this so hard to do? She's not condemning the whole game, just the damn trope. I guess though no matter how many times she says "it's ok to love something and then critique it" people still don't give a shit.
Hello fellow desiger! And thanks. :) it's hard to stay positive when the town you're in isn't much into moving, or shaking. Thanks, Army!!
That's one thing I remember my boss telling me: NEVER upload the link. JUST. SAVE. And send me the link of your SAVED COPY.
this sounds like a class i would've loved to take. and it sounds like you had some pretty damn good students.
brava to you, seriously. and to your students.
reading that tweet from Sterling makes me dislike him a bit less.
also, gamergate is getting out of control (although, in reality, to me, its always been out of control). also i hate that "GG" is equated with this.
GG= GOOD GAME, and a really awesome documentary. not "gamergate". :|
thank you internets. thank you for reminding me how extremely talented kids are, and that experience is great, but experience + young skill is even better.
the Anaconda video was amazing. sexual content aside, gurl can dance.
i have a cousin who is pretty aloof about life in general. i guess i should be happy that she sees herself encapsulated in Aubrey Plaza's character in Parks and Rec buuut... its still a little unnerving when reading her thoughts/talking to her. i thought i was pretty blase about life, but, this is just too much.
i understand "t-shirt in pool" soooo much. going to a pool party? better bring my XL shirt.
i watched the episodes of Blackish that are on Hulu. mannn, i love her. shes awesome. and i do agree with asking more than once and not being perturbed about having to ask more than once, should lead to some "baby, pass it already!" comments.
i think New Girl and The Mindy Project are far different. but i'm being extremely biased because i like The Mindy Project.
i really dislike people who are like that. they question people's commitment when it comes to the service simply because they don't share the same beliefs, and those usually are: not christian and not republican/conservative.
i'm glad that dude asked her to explain her stupid ass question, and in the end she couldn't…
meh. no "Alriiiiight"? no go.
and no mention of sexy dice game?? not even a throwback to spiceps? spicerack? NO MENTION OF BALLOON FETISH?!!
nope. nopity nope.
be still my nerdy fangirl heart.
ugh, me and the hubs can't WAIT to get out of here. we hate it. aside from fast food, Applebees, Chilis, etc theres nothing good to eat here and nothing good to do. nooooothiiing. i want out! OUT!
/jumps off soapbox
i feel better now.
all aboard Team Nobody Train!
the point is proven! you get a prize!
side note: i needed that horse and goat combo today. too many negative things are impacting my wonderful friday.