that second song. wow. my little girl feels. i loved that song soooo much!
that second song. wow. my little girl feels. i loved that song soooo much!
i wonder who put that lawsuit in. when i read Sam's name i was like "whaaa? Sam doesn't talk like that!". i watch her PopTrigger segments on YT and she's part of TYT from time to time.
still, i lol'd at a lot of the descriptions.
although it makes me happy cause i really, really really like Bianca. time to hit up On Demand!
....i'll be in my bunk.
and when you try to turn the tide, they wonder why you are so salty.
I don't care if I'm nearing 30!!! I NEED THAT LOCKET NOW!!
Here here, and i'm a dog owner. i had a very unpleasant encounter with a neighbor's dog (not neutered. what a surprise!). sunday morning, decided the dog needed to use the bathroom. i put him on his leash, take him to the front.
all of a sudden a dog is bounding towards me from across the street, into my yard and i…
this reminded me of something that happened, in where I ended up being the unfortunate manifestation of a conscience. i had, unwittingly, hooked up a high school "friend" and a current friend through the Internets (thanks vidya gaems!). the HS friend was in a long term relationship that was in hiatus/not hiatus and…
yes that one! and i will totally let you know :)
i'm pretty sure i can hang. i watched some show based on RPG stereotypes and loved it!
here it is!…
same. if anything she should've been last. selfish girl!
so, Hope was a young kid, who clung to his mom because he hated his dad, and then he loses his mom, because of false hope (hurrr) Snow gives people on the train. due to being young, he misplaces his hate on Snow and we blame him for being whiny because he's a young kid, who is a momma's boy? really?
I think the most adult anime I've seen, with actual complex situations, is NANA. It was very mature and dealt with a lot of feels I usually reserve for a live-action type of show.
Yup, I felt the same. I was like "really? amnesia? I can't do this. I won't do this."
I'm glad I'm not the only one! It seems most people are okay with bad plots though, but, c'mon. There are great anime stories out there! NANA and Time of Eve. Those are pretty damn good! I don't want to hear the "its only an anime"…
Now I need to check this anime out. Thanks!
well, I will not finish this because I saw this coming, especially with Ghost Banri rearing his dreary, deadpan, lack of happiness head. It sucks too because I REALLY like Koko. let me correct myself: I REALLY like what this SERIES did with Koko. early on, anyway. she really was changing, and making an effort to…
yay thanks!
noo i came too late to see this! i'm a big fan of EG and i'm super sad i missed this T_T
i'm ever so thankful for the show, Enlisted. i'm going to use this forever and ever and ever and ever
i just saw Brendon Huor and had to watch. i saw him in a couple of Thousand Pounds videos, and they are totally awesome.