
Why the black hat Gary?? I ain't no country gal but I have watched enough western type movies to know who wears the black hat.

I will devour this like so much maple sugar snow candy.

Profitable rom-com.

Wonderwoman, Superman, Batman love triangle. Musical numbers abound, making it equally annoying for everyone.

Still not reassuring.

Evolution is great! Man the world is so cool.

Now playing

Musical accompaniment for the losers and their new appliance...

I think the New Scientist article is a bit behind the times. There have been human skeletons of homo erectus discovered on Java that date to 1.6 million years ago, and in Georgia that date to 1.8 million suggesting the first wave of human migration would be about two million years ago. Either Catherine Brahic is


Somewhere a SyFy channel producer is reading this and getting a terrible idea.

No, all crimes should be reported like a 13 year old girl telling her crush she likes him.

Am I the only one who thinks that the instagram-esque pictures in the background take away from the seriousness of these claims? This isn't a bullshit art project, these are people's lives who have been negatively affected by sexual assault and harassment.

My son is the exact opposite. The sets stay their intended thing for about a day, then join the gigantic piles of blocks in my home. And he makes insane things with them. He makes me so happy. <sniff>

"How many things do you think you could build with the prison set and, say, this?"

I'm Jewish, but I've always loved this one. :)

I always picture Jesus having a good sense of humor

A creepy little girl will stand at the foot of your bed and kill you at midnight unless you send this to six people and then all your wishes will come true. Provided that your wishes are to be murdered by a creepy little girl at midnight.

In related news, I'm never borrowing anyone's phone ever again.

How do you make neo-Nazi reggae? Do they not know that reggae originated among black people and most reggae artists are black? That's like me making black supremacist country music.