
Baby powder is pretty much ALL made with cornstarch these days, anyway. Given that it’s likely that we have that in our kitchens anyway, the baby powder seems redundant, at best. And as for ants...just have some generic Sweet n’ Low on hand. Works a treat, for the ants. 

Oooh, I’ll have to try that- sounds a LOT better than what I’ve been attempting (pinup-style big gal one-pieces, ca. 1940's)

I see what you did there.

Gosh, maybe you should go on Dr. Phil about that....jk

Ah. That country you’re talking about isn’t actually a country-country, as in a nation.

Agreed 100%. This is going way, WAY too far. Talk about ramping up bad feeling...Jesus wept.

Oh please, please let this be good! I loved that book!

Honestly? For the most part? YES. We have our flakes, our weirdos, and our gun nuts. Occasionally, we DO give Florida Man (and Woman) a run for their money. But mostly, the White Power idiots meth themselves to death before they can do much damage. Seriously, they Darwin-Awards themselves on a regular basis, as we all

You are absolutely correct- we have a lot of refugees here in Boise, and it’s really been a good thing. Culturally, this place is really expanding its horizons. We’re not seeing a big uptick in racially motivated violence, either- it’s going pretty well, and most people are happy to have them here.

Yep, that’s us Idahoans: giving Florida Man a run for his money. :/ This is all OVER our local news, BTW, not just the crap published from somebody’s basement.

I was born here, and have been disappointed with the way things have been going- but like you, I hope like hell we can turn this thing around. On the plus side, these kinds of things run in cycles. We’re overdue for a swing in the other direction- with any luck, EVERYBODY will be allowed to do science; minorities,

Kinda puts the lie to the implication that he’s too old and infirm to be Prez, dunnit? ;)

Huh. So, if Hillary’s unfairly playing the “woman card”, what card is Bernie playing? The “populist card”, or the “intelligent card”? Maybe the “compassionate card”?

You just made me choke and spew icewater all over the place!

Wow, this article speaks the truth, i love my outdated consoles.

Wait, the video cameras picked up their images? That’s...oh god, that means they’re REAL, physical beings.

Witch spoor?

Oh, goody. We in Idaho didn’t want ‘em here, so now they’re going to harass Northern Ireland. Seeing as abortions are only permitted for women who could DIE if they don’t get one there, will they be performing necromancy, as a sideline? Because I don’t see this as having a good outcome, for anyone they convince not to

When I was in my early 20’s, I had a fun relationship with a fella who was about 4’10. I’m 5’8. Some of the very best sex I’ve ever had in my life! :D

Oh fuckity-fuck-FUCK. Great. I hope my state doesn’t just buy these stupid books. I’m already basically having to correct ALL of the Social Studies falsehoods my kids are learning in school. But, since I live in a Republican state, founded by Confederate runaways, probably won’t get that lucky. I have a deep and