
Thank you! I try to explain this to my kids (both are boys), and they look at me with their jaws dropped, in stunned disbelief. It’s hard even to explain to folks 10 or more years my junior. They find this unfathomable, but you’re right- this really is how it was. Our culture, flawed though it is, has improved

Not too crazy about the stuff, for eating as-is, but holy crackers, yogurt is GREAT for making English muffin dough!

This sounds like many weddings from my neck of the woods. :)

Whaaa? Really? Please don’t be kidding, that sounds awful/great! :D

There’s a reason glitter is known as craft-herpes, my friend.

Don’t worry. It won’t be a Homophobic Gazelle. It’ll be a Batshit Trash-alope. :) They can’t run very fast, bogged down as they are by misinformation and narrow little thoughts. Also, their hearts are simply too tiny to allow them much in the way of stamina.

Oh, wow...I didn’t realize the Foxies were *trying* to get ISIS to love them! XD

Oh my, yes. I’d join. I’m a former, a mom, and secretly gay. Delicious. Sadly, I dislike knitting.

I suspect that in some twisted way, it has to do with vague memories of polio. At one time, it was thought that polio, which was horribly widespread, was passed via swimming pools. “Undesirables” were strongly discouraged from community pools, especially people with melanin. There was never any sort of evidence that

Thank you! I’d never seen that site before! :D

“One person, of course, has asked exactly how you would explain something like this to your child if they saw these people out and about...”

I love that story. I totally don’t care if it’s true or not. Love that story.

Well, unless they’re lactose intolerant, and can’t eat gluten. At that point, they should seriously consider the fries! (I consider all of the above!)

Thank you! That was a wonderful read, and about the single brightest spot in my day! :)

*Giggle* We live in the Mountain Zone. It was OK- he actually nodded off early! XD

I have no hope of this working. Elder Son has discovered pop music. Elder Son has been talking about watching the ABC countdown for DAYS now, in great detail- he knows who-all's playing the show this year. He plans to watch it in its entirety, until the bitter end.

"But it still promotes the idea that there are scary, primitive OTHERS lurking out there in the great, wide world."

Dang, I was just happy to live through it, relatively intact. Don't really see any reason to preach about this-vs.-that.

I curtsy in your direction- you won the Internet today! XD

I am sooooo down with this! The Christmas Crap (as Casa Tractor calls it) was up in the stores well before All Hallow's Eve- hell, some was up before the Halloween costumes and stuff! And there's this. You *know* it's gotten bad when your kids (11 & 8 y.o.) BEG not to have to go to church on the Sunday after