
Yes, I was a youth legislative page when he was first elected on the strength of his cowboy hat and Simplot marriage. In person, he is such an oily little smarmy fuck. Today is the beginning of the civil suit against the state challenging DOMA...which Otter has pledged $2 mil toward defending. It's gonna be a SCOTUS

The world may never know.

On a pristine trail deep in the cloud forest of Basque De Paz in Costa Rica. It was gently misting and we were next to a fast moving stream. There were parrot calls and the distant sound of a nearby waterfall. It sounds like a movie, but it wasn't and to this day it is still one of my most perfect memories. So,

I think this picture is cool. It doesn't really have anything to do specifically with this article, but I'm throwing it out there anyway.

I would also be lying but that's an awesome comment.

Wow. Your father sounds like....well, kind of a piece of shit. I certainly don't know enough about your life to tell you exactly when you ought to come out, but I will say that it felt AMAZING to finally get it over with, would definitely recommend as soon as you're in a position to deal with the possible fallout.

Well, my father rants about the "f**king f*gs on TV these days" and how he thinks we need to ban them from TV to make America better, so there are people who want to answer that question.

Well, it was Senior Prom, which, for my group of friends and buddies was really just an excuse to dress up, get drunk, and screw around until it was time for the after party. When the cops busted us I got handcuffed because , even at that time, I was a large and intimidating adult, so they thought better safe than

Aww man, this is too money:

Queer people can be in relationships that aren't always same-sex, yo.

In the woods behind a church. The male in this scenario got poison ivy, I did not. He was a real jerk, so God must have lightly smote him. It isn't weird to have sex in the woods, but it did seem blasphemous to be behind a church.

Yeah me too. I have a lot of crazy stories but they'd either doxx me or come back to haunt me later. This one is fairly benign as my stuff goes but still. I am a coward. :D

I was making out with a guy once in the back of his car, at night, next to an old warehouse. This was nighttime and near his house. I asked if it was safe and he said yeah, no one ever went there. Fast forward a few minutes and I was facing (ahem) one of the very steamy windows, put my right hand there and the now

His actual name is Clement Leroy Otter. He has multiple DUI (albeit many years ago), and also bulldozed riparian habitat adjacent to his ranch. As in, filled in part of the river to improve his landscaping. He is a fuck. An incumbent fuck. He got elected on a DOMA platform, and has pledged millions of state money

YOU'RE PULLING MY LEG. No wonder this dude is so bent outta shape about lesbians.

He's from Idaho too, I gather, and knows the phrases that will play better there than in other states.

Hear hear, we have this debate monthly and it is so tiresome and predictable. The same exact comments and responses are given each time;

Purple nail polish and turquoise eyeliner are the best. I wore metallic turquoise eyeliner just yesterday.

Can we file this one away with the Great Pubic Hair Debate? As in, let's stop talking about it. I know men don't understand my turquoise eyeliner, OK? I've known ever since that survey in Seventeen magazine nearly two decades ago that told me that guys don't "understand" purple nail polish. I'm wearing purple nail