
Yes. It's okay to judge behavior that is actively harmful to others.

It's okay to morally judge people who go shopping on Thursday, forcing underpaid hourly workers to miss Thanksgiving merriment with their families, right? Shoppers on Thursday are just bad people, period.

Simple answer here folks: if you go shopping for all the fantastic "deals" and make someone work that day, you are part of the problem.

Has Abdalla (the sheriff who came out really early in the investigation with statements about how you can't arrest people for being stupid and no more charges would be filed) been fired? I would like for that asshole to be unemployed.

I really don't think any of this startles anyone who is queer or knows a queer woman.

1) I am a lesbian. 2) Queer visibility relies on superficial signifiers to communicate queerness. That these signifiers (read=fashion/hair/jewelry) are identifiable in the mainstream is interesting but not new. Maybe we can instead, just once, have a conversation about why mainstream culture relies on our visibility

Oh man, this hits close to home. Since coming in to my own and really finding my personal style which I guess is sort of biker/stud happy, the number of times I get asked if I'm a lesbian has increased 3-fold. I'm a heterosexual female. I'm not offended for my own sake, I'm offended that this is just a thimbles taste

Anybody else thinking this? Or is it just me?

And in a companion piece you could discuss Kirlian.

I hate patterned leggings already but these....oh these inspire a whole new level of do.not.want. Jesus Christ on a bike, just...just in what universe would these be considered something to willingly wear?! DX at least crocs and uggs have the redeeming factor of being comfortable. shudder

damn, I was hoping to be this myth

Charlotte Laws, you are a BAMF.

and they have three fingers instead of two

Brav-fucking-o. This is both terrifying and uplifting. Thank you for taking action to give some power back to these victims. You are one smart, motivated, ballsy woman, who anyone would want in their corner at a time of crisis. I hope you write a best-selling novel and get huge bucks for the movie rights to boot,

Sometimes Anonymous just gets it SO right.

...14 people from all walks of life...

Syfy promised a new wave of quality science fiction

I know. She's MASSIVE.

It is super revolutionary! Without Photoshop, that model is a 9.5/10. She is borderline fugly, you guys!