
What part is a stereotype? Saying words with "-a" on the end of it? That's imitating an accent.

How about this one for logic: if you don't like people telling you how to live your life, don't tell other people how to live their lives.

Ah, now I can have mummy jerky that Fry took from me!!

The wily avocado shall not be so easily snuffed out!

If her house got TP'ed she'd get be the guest on every FOX show for the next two weeks, weeping about persecution of Christians to segue neatly into the War On Christmas coverage.

Get out of here with your logic and truthiness.

Is it too much to ask that she include little chocolate fetuses with her tracts? I mean, come on.

Says you. Those things are comedy gold. Plus, there's a hilarious Chick tract generator out there.

Also from Smith:

This feels obligatory.

I'm sorry... your point?

I'll not be swayed from my life-long dream...

Those little stinkers! I told them not to do that out in public!

Where's the DeLorean?

Sir, what you have there is what we refer to as a focused, non-terminal repeating phantasm, or a Class Five full roaming vapor. Real nasty one, too!

The guy in the video was wrong, that was totally cool.

I've honestly never found a way to completely shut off my "seeing" side, though I see things less when I'm busy or stressed. When I'm home alone and I know a ghost is there, I wear my headphones to avoid being communicated with. I also avoid thinking about them, as I've found that only encourages ghostly antics.

+1 legit amazing. Best Ron impression I've ever seen, and on air as well. Perfect!

"You stay classy, Boise" doesn't have quite the same je ne sais quosi...but A for effort.