
The Governor presented cookies to women concerned about their reproductive rights and thought that cake was "a child's request" when I stood outside his mansion late at night with a protest sign.Do you think North Carolina's citizens fell off the turnip truck, Governor? Are you just that out of touch with the citizens

It's too early for the Mary Celeste, isn't it?

It is freaking cram jam packed. Etsy promotes those that break the rules, if they make them enough money. I was going to open a shop there years ago. then I looked into it. No thanks!

If anyone actually believes that etsy isn't already chock full of factory products, they are stupid or naive. There are plenty of excellent sellers on etsy, but there is a tremendous amount of stuff off a boat from a factory, with soft focus pictures.

This is not my story, but my grandmother's.

Love this thread! Here are a few stories from me.

Mine happened when I was 14 or so, riding the last BART home from a date with my boyfriend who lived in San Francisco (I lived in Berkeley).
I got on the train at Civic Center station, as usual, and by the time we were going under the bay there was only one other person in the car with me, a 30-something woman rubbing

I was visiting my parents a few months back when this happened. My mom snores like nobody's business, so she and my dad sleep in separate rooms. My mom also has a bad habit of going to the bathroom in the middle of the night, leaving the bathroom door open and not turning on the lights while she's there, so more than

Alright here's a spooky one for you:

My great great grandmother in rural town in Galicia was the illegitimate child of a priest and somehow she managed to live in the rectory near the church. Since that's where they used to keep the vestments (before she moved in) she would dream at night that some thiefs had come to steal the wooden cross or the silver

This happened maybe 3-4 night ago. I wanted to write it down, so here is as good a place as any.

Compared to others, this is nothing, but here goes.

I think I posted this last year but I figured I'd post it again considering it's one of the scariest stories I've ever been told from a first hand experience. I grew up in the middle so west Texas. There is nothing to do there except drink and talk about Jesus. Well one day when I was in high shool a group of older

See, the problem with ghost stories on the internet is that they are subject to fact checking. If you told me this around a campfire, I'd be terrified. Right now, however, I want you to link to these Googled articles about your old place.

Who wants to terrify us with some Shadow People stories? Here's mine from last year.

Reading dozens of scary stories late at night right before bed? What an awesome idea!

I don't have anything myself, but my friend went on a tour of The Stanley hotel last week (the one The Shining was based off of) and she posted this to Facebook...

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Dudes these are some scary ass stories!!! I was doing pretty well until the toilet started running and the freezer started making ice OMG I CAN'T TAKE IT

Ugh guys I have things to do and now I am totally going to sit here for HOURS and read these!!!