
I need to understand something, if anyone would care to explain it.

Hey Dodai, this is my story! Now that I've had a story featured in a Jezebel feature, can I please get promoted out of the gray?? Please??

Call me old fashioned but I dont think celibacy has a "getting blown by an 8 year old" loop hole.

Michalik told reporters that children of divorce or broken families often "[seek] closeness with others and may get lost and may get the other person involved, too."


Hall and Oates called it first:

Mansplain actually has practical use though.

I've never understood how in the States it's such a big deal when men make the food at home, and yet the majority of celebrated chefs are... men. Is it just garden variety sexism?

Oh, Geppetto! I'm a real boy!

I know this is probably in gray, but ... People, replying to trolls only promotes them. Do not reply to trolls. It only gives them the attention for which they're so desperate.

The fact that horrible things happen around the world doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to improve North American attitudes as well.

As ever, step lightly through the grey folks

Actually, the whole premise that dark-skinned people don't have blonde hair is false, because blonde hair isn't exclusive to white people. People in Melanesia have evolved their own blondeness gene that is completely separate from the White European mutation. So she could potentially have naturally blonde hair without

"A very dark-skinned kid in the keep of blonde people is part of the natural order, proof, in fact, of benevolence, of the bigheartedness of the adoption process."

He wrote a book and its title is "How to be a Man"? Lolololol

You could make the case that American women are unhappy . They are balancing an awful lot without much help from our society. But the countries with the highest rates of gender equality (paid maternity leave, free child care etc.) are coincidentally also the happiest countries in the world.

Sing it.

Off the top of my head I can think of many reasons to be unhappy in the workforce that do not involve me wanting to stay home and be domestic. Pay sucks, we're overworked and often don't get the credit we're due, and we're mostly unofficially barred from the positions where we really get to have a say in how our

I prefer a jaunty Red Wedding-inspired foxtrot.