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I love GWAR as much as the next guy, but Sam L. does it with a touch of class.

I need to understand something, if anyone would care to explain it.

Hey Dodai, this is my story! Now that I've had a story featured in a Jezebel feature, can I please get promoted out of the gray?? Please??

It's interesting how studies like this tend to spawn conversation about biological differences and evolution. What about current societal pressures and how we're brought up? Can't women be better multitaskers because of the way we're brought up to do multiple things at once, not because we're innately better at it?

Also worth noting that in a lot of these gender-differentiating experiments, that both genders usually perform at very high levels.

Women have better color vision, men better spatial perception, okay...but men have really good color vision and women have really good spatial perception.

Call me old fashioned but I dont think celibacy has a "getting blown by an 8 year old" loop hole.

Michalik told reporters that children of divorce or broken families often "[seek] closeness with others and may get lost and may get the other person involved, too."


Yeah, that's not Hercules! This is Hercules:

Hall and Oates called it first:

Mansplain actually has practical use though.

I've never understood how in the States it's such a big deal when men make the food at home, and yet the majority of celebrated chefs are... men. Is it just garden variety sexism?

It's actually not surprising ever since Iceland gave us SpongeBob CorpsePants. "Who lives in a coffin under the sea..."

Which just reinforces my idea that everything she has ever done is derivative. Thanks Necropants!

Okay, I convinced someone at work to let me have their skin after they die. Now we wait....

Oh, Geppetto! I'm a real boy!

man, this takes me back. yep, caught Epigonus of Ambracia back at the Parth' in, what, 79? that's bce of course, before they blew up in '76. Lamprus of Erythrae opened, totally bitchin I gotta say. Lots of fine plebian females at that show. Managed to work on the road with Antigenidas, before he sold out and all.

I know this is probably in gray, but ... People, replying to trolls only promotes them. Do not reply to trolls. It only gives them the attention for which they're so desperate.