
At least one of his followers will freak out because Girl Scout cookies turn girls into "Lebanese".

I was a Girl Scout for 12 years, and it made me nothing but a lady. This kind of lady:

Straight Women who buy and eat these cookies will turn into lesbians.

I remember back in the George W. Bush days when everyone was hating on France. A bunch of "rebels" got together somewhere, bought out a store of all its French wine, and dumped it in the street to "boycott" France.

Featuring some of your favorite flavors, including:

I agree that there is probably lots of same-gender pornography in there.

Samoas are worth it.

Actually, I'd bet dollars to Thin Mints that his browser runneth over with lesbian sex searches.

YES!!! Great plan, fundy whack-jobs! Buy the cookies, and then scribble out all the GSA references on the boxes! BRILLIANT. Buy them ALL!! Seriously.

And then they will get a little older and think, "Our parents were awesome! WTF happened?"

Speaking of which, they've set the bar high going forward. A simple "We're having a baby!" cutesy shot won't cut it in the slightest.

15 years from now their kids are going to look at these photos and go "wtf is wrong with our parents."

No list would be complete without...

So you wanna play with magic

"It's a bonny thing," said Holmes. "Just see how it glints and sparkles. Of course it is a nucleus and focus of crime. Every good stone is. They are the devil's pet baits. In the larger and older jewels every facet may stand for a bloody deed. This stone is not yet twenty years old. It was found in the banks of the

Heh, wonder is there's case of cause-and-effect mix up here. Do awfully rich people who tend to dress up extravagantly and lavishly have in general greater tendency to die unnatural death than "commoners"? I mean, if, say, Bill Gates wore something like that, would he be "cursed" to die horribly? He wears sweaters on

My back is a few decades older than the rest of me.

Our first year in the US my parents took me to a Hell house put on by a church near our house. They thought it would be a kid friendly haunted house and that it would be something fun for our 1st American Halloween... it was not and awkward conversations with a 7 yr old ensued

Do you watch Sleepy Hollow? Great, neither do I.

That kind of scenario is actually all too common. I've participated in many survivor's groups and have heard several versions of this: after the attack the victim is in a state of shock and the attacker directs her to act normally. It shows a chilling amount of intent. The rapist does it to prove to everyone (maybe