
You beat me to it! Eating too much fresh pineapple makes some people's mouths hurt. The first time it happened to me I was terrified I had developed a pineapple allergy. Nope. For most people just eating fresh pineapple in moderation is enough to keep the mouth-burn at bay.

And the weirdest thing about this gross haha-rapey ad is that like... the Anti-Obamacare stance isn't even... clear? Like it doesn't explain WHY Obamacare is bad. It's like, instead of listing reasons why you should hate Obamacare they just decided to go with a joke of Uncle Sam looking up your vagina, like they

I used to be sensitive to pineapples when I was a kid (it would burn to swallow them). Thankfully I grew out of that when I was a teen because I LOVE pineapple. I could eat pineapple all day long. The only way for me to eat it as a kid was if it was canned, presumably because sitting in water the acidity was diluted.

He compared it jokingly to Watergate . . .

For me, the woman I wake up with every morning is the number one reason I have trouble getting out of bed. Rowr.

This *has* to be fake. Has to be. I cannot fathom the level of stupidity, hypocrisy, and hubris that would be needed for this to be real. Therefore - fake. Please?

I can't WAIT to get health insurance because of Obamacare. I haven't had it for almost 8 years, and I am scared to death of getting sick. Fuck you REPULSIVINS.

Not surprised. Many conservative groups seem to strive for the most juvenile arguments ever. It usually goes like this:

Two words: Precancerous Cells. I am down with the ObamaCare.

I have had more than one woman sneer at me for being a 'perfect Martha Stewart'. No, really, I didn't do my sewing and crafts to make you feel bad (this was in the Age Before Pintrest), it's because I was home all day with a pack of very young children (I had a home day care) and needed *something* that gave me

That was mine too! I found it really empowering. I remember going for a drive with my dad one day. I was maybe 11. I had an announcement to make: "Dad, I have thought about this, and umm, when I grow up I want to be a writer. I am going to go to school for that and I probably won't be happy about my career until my

Though I don't yet Pin my own stuff on Pinterest, I'm that mother that makes the homemade party favors and the bunny cookies that apparently stress out other mothers who don't. But here is the thing: I am not a freaking CEO. I only work part-time. That is why I have time to make these silly crafts.

Sounds like an interesting read!

Err... I've never taken a single women's studies course, and I'm way better at feminism than most people I've seen proselytizing about various things.

Given that the picture also appears on the UK website it has to be actual "food" since the law requires all advertising to be an "accurate description" of the product. It's almost certainly cold and made especially for the shoot in a small batch. It will look not at all similar to the actual product people can buy,

Have you ever tried an all-dressed Vietnamese Banh Mi submarine? I brought one out once at a hospital lunch room and they made me leave.

If only there were a place were people could go to learn how to resolve disputes in a thoughtful, deliberate, yet-still-adversarial manner —- and not through huffy, longwinded letters that misunderstand fruit . . .

Unt now is the time of der show vhen ve rake. Sprockets!

Oh, this is just precious.