
Amazing. I just imagine the creative director walking into the room with jazz hands screaming "This year it's all about the stylized vaginas!!!"

I don't mean to get all O'Keeffe up in here but these are all vaginas, right?

I was thinking the same thing. If it was FX or AMC, I would be expecting ninja girls slicing up serial killers and demons, but on ABC Family I'm betting bake sales and a lot of International Delights.

"R.R. Martin introduces new villain Whultair Whyte."

Because I am a jealous dome. You shall have no other domes but me.

I know someone who knows. His name is Jesus and he has all of the answers to the mysteries your science can't explain. All you have to do is ask!

Perhaps a new "church outfit?"

You mean poultry experts aren't millionaires?

7734 hath no fury...


It's sad you have to do this. I'm grateful for you, for those women who didn't straighten a coat hanger or let someone punch them in the stomach. I can't believe it's 2013 and we are still discussing this.

Sitting down and actually listening to an album changes the whole experience. Just get rid of CDs and issue vinyl records with a code for a digital download. Best of both worlds.

During WWII, my Nana, Grandfather, Mother and Aunt were bombed out of London. They moved to the country, and lived in a 10x10 shack my Grandfather built. My mother was born in 1940, my aunt in 1942. In 1943, living in a 10x10 shack, on rations, during a war that her husband was actively serving in, my Nana got


Radio. Beginning in the mid-1920s radio broadcasting brought about a revolution in American society never seen (or heard) before or since. Nothing has had as much impact, not television, not the internet. Prior to that most Americans led very isolated lives. Some lived in cities with daily newspapers, but most lived

Anybody here willing to indict this person?
