
Watch, this will turn out to be the only one that was actually made by aliens.

Doesn't everyone like cream cheese on their bagels? People have some seriously weird food stereotypes. I feel like I'm always encountering some bizarre new thing, like, "Well, only Germans eat pomegranates," that just makes me go, "Huh?" I'm worried I'm going to inadvertently insult someone by being like, "Hey, do you

Regardless of how they are formed, some are stunning works of art.

I am black and my husband is white, we have a child and very soon we'll have three.

sure. But when something mysterious like this happens, we need to look for what factors have changed, and GMO is something that has changed. and I don't think that we can pretend to know everything about genetics and metabolism to be able to say so categorically that we know what the effect of these modifications

Strictly speaking, that's not exactly true. First of all, the nutritional value of the plant could have a huge impact on metabolic response (and thus potentially obesity). The plant's growing conditions impact the nutrients of the final crop. (Plants that have experienced slight insect predation have nutrients

No one knows what the mice are eating after the scientists leave.

GMO? Surely lab animals aren't being fed organic. Or are they?

I know when I first started into my career and we were going through training we talked about topics such as how to handle conflict in the workplace. I remember one of the ways they said to address conflict was to make "I" statements instead of "You" statements. One of the most used examples was "When you do this it

Why do I feel like more boxes of these will be sold to stoners and college-aged hipsters than to actual children?

Look at your T-Fal non-stick pan, now look at the Neolithic cooking pot, now look at the T-Fal, now back to the pot. You can't have the Neolithic cooking pot, but your T-Fal can cook like one. Anything is possible, I'm making Garlic Mustard Fish... on a horse.

Haha this was my moms worst fear she tried and tried to keep me away from any and all violent or possibly violent sources of entertainment that meant no nerf guns no water guns no violent games or shows no contact sports etc... Let me tell you it did not work haha.

I currently play on a college lacrosse team (not the

He who controls the spice, controls

Much as it makes me squeamish to see it (I really, really don't like guns), little kids—girls included—will turn ANYTHING into a toy weapon given the opportunity. Mr. Chip's toddler has been known to use her dollar store Barbie knock-offs as play guns, for chrissakes.

Yep. They find a way. Even if you didn't know they knew what a gun WAS. Little kids know lots of things you don't know they know.

Children will ALWAYS make weapons. Even nice little preschoolers from nice liberal granola homes full of peace and love and no-violence-TV make guns and swords.

This is why we can't have nice things.

i was expecting Cthulu to surface. Any. Second.

True facts. Also, as an addendum, it's decidedly None of Our Fucking Business what's in her pants, what was in her pants, and/or what could be/might be/will be in her pants in the future.